Right. Justice for the "parents." The jab was fine as long as you were able to brag on Facebook to your digital neighbors that "my entire family has done the right thing!" The vax makers are criminals, but you went along with it—knowingly! Terrible parenting! There, I said it!
Could Have Been Worse
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So the whole 'conspiracy theory' about Elites being a Cult of Satanic, child sacrificing monsters is what ???
They're performing a global ritual sacrifice right before our eyes.
^^^ NAILED IT ^^^
They all got catty, cranky, and just downright BITCHY will us all for not getting a jab while the Georgia guidestones were still standing that explained their dream scenario of de-population.
Like 911.
What is one of those sayings we tell our children? "Just because little Johnny jumped off a bridge doesn't mean you are going to do it". It hurts for me to actually say this, but, the parents play a huge roll in this. They made the decision to do this to themselves and their child. So many of us were sounding the alarm. Posting info and data everywhere. We were sending tidal waves of facts out. They shamed us, shunned us, threatened us, wanted us fired, jailed, and even dead. The onslaught of horror we were subjected to was insane. They helped to put the boot of the government on our throats. I am a compassionate person and I seriously hate that anyone, especially a child, has suffered or died because of this, but what they all did to us who refused, is unforgiveable and inexcusable. My whole family paid heavily for this insanity. Now, they want someone else to "pay" for their stupidity, sorry, but I just don't have a lot of sympathy for that. We all must face our responsibility in actions we take. Do I feel bad that these things are happening to innocent children, absolutely. But ALL of this was preventable!
Amen. My idiotic school district bragged that they are 88% vaxxed for 12-17 year olds. I worry all the time for these kids.
That's what I try telling some people on here. You cannot reason with people that are that mentally unstable. They wanted us thrown out of society, unable to purchase anything, denied medical care, thrown in prison, or executed.
She killed her child. I would say it to her face. If she had done her job as a parent and kept her child safe she would still be alive. But she failed as a parent and I dont see how she can live with that fact.
YEP! Parents that forced their children to get vaxxed need to die a slow death, agony the entire time. Those poor children...
they poisoned and killed their children.
Hold up on the judgment on the parents frens. They did not want her to get the shot, especially since she already had covid twice.
Xactly. Anyone care about the kids who didn't have a choice? Or are we only to care about the parents(who made them take the damn thing) of the deceased? It starts to look more like an attention grabber when they post shit like this.
The words "opetation warp speed" was an air raid siren. Warp speed is SCIENCE FICTION!
Shame on all of you who are saying she “ killed “ her daughter . God forbid when your child turns into an adult and actually wants to do something self-destructive because she’s been completely brainwashed by all the authorities who by the way,WE As parents had even told our children to trust in the past. That’s what happened here. It’s the same story. We are all victims of these evil monsters. If your child turned 18 and said he wants to now start injecting heroin in his veins and then dies of an overdose, did you kill him? NO. We need to offer 100% support. We are the ones that can actually do this now.
This is more than enough punishment for anyone. Sux
She may have been vaxxed if she went to college. A lot of them would not allow students to go to events or even to attend the school w/out the vaxx.