posted ago by Weneverleft ago by Weneverleft +16 / -0

Umm, doesn't the vote/ bill need to be passed in the senate??? I thought the first two years of Trump we had the congress and all the bills passed went to the senate and died on the desk of Cocaine Mitch. They just ignored them??? YES, YES???? SO THIS VOTE IS SYMBOLIC ONLY? IT WAS STILL PASSED AND GOING INTO AFFECT. I remember we defunded some crappy legislation just to find out it was already allocated and the funding was not going to stop for a few years. Remember when Trump was going to fill er up to the tippy top. That never happened, it was reported but congress blocked him from getting a good deal. Now the resident is paying 80+ a barrel. Nice job clown. So is this a real win? I don't think it is. Just symbolic.