77 OMG lol...there is no common sense anymore. posted 2 years ago by CanadianPedeMan1571 2 years ago by CanadianPedeMan1571 +77 / -0 https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1614340654213042177 15 comments share 15 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I'd say this guy was trolling.
A duck billed betapussy.
You have skills in finding the perfect name.
Common sense, practicality, logic, and critical thinking have all left the building. Its bizzaro world.
I really love that costume because I like birds,
All you have to do is spend some time over on PDW to answer that question...
Lol he is fucking with people.
That weird bird is eating chicken, cannibal?
He identifies as a bird… his pronouns are…?
Damn, Ming, save some pussy for the rest of us!
Oh my...dear..wow
Before Covid I would have said, nobody is that stupid.
So, maybe this guy thinks that it’ll help him digest his cricket-meal, seeing as only birds and reptiles can digest the chitin?
What an idiot.
What the duck!?!