Y'all remember our super-mod, u/Evspra? Got this modmail from him tonight, and, uh, I feel concerned for this angry kid. I dunno what mental space he's in, but, do you ever look at GAW's amazing site design and think how awesome it is? It was all him! He did so much for us! Poor kid...
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!

Basically alienating half of the users on this board.
"Doomer" too. i was guilty of dooming right after Trump's "announcement" then the 2022 election results (again). I came around and am back on my feet. but some of the mods want to kill me? seems a little harsh. General statement, sometimes its good to realize it's time to step down and let others serve when that moment comes.
I was once banned for "dOoMinG" for merely paraphrasing what the Bible says about this world eventually ending, and linking to REM's "It's The End Of The World As We Know It."
When I challenged the ban and expressed concerns about mod abuse, my ban was increased to a 2 week ban for "attempting to gaslight mods."
Of course, by even daring to share this, I risk getting banned. But transparency and truth matters. If this site is trully for supporting a "Great Awakening" then as DJT and Elon say, our freedom of speech must always be protected.
I think he means kill the dooming vibe on the board. I am sure he is pissed, had to dox himself b/c of a threat from evspara.
If we're all about research, how is anyone being alienated? If people find flat earth to be ridiculous, they can just ignore those posts.
Apologies up front for the wall of text I'm about to build because this is one of my favorite subjects here on GAW. I'm fascinated by the commitment, or lack thereof in some cases, to sticking to the stated purpose and goal of research and dissemination of TRUTH and of course the commitment to 1st amendment etc.
If dissemination of evidence supported research and it's findings were the full purpose of the board, then why is there no searchable database of subjects and evidence. Perhaps divided into 2 or 3 levels of surety. But that's not happening. No, this is something else. What's alienating is coming here for information, and finding the same sort of gatekeeping that they had for the vaccines. If you had questions then you were a problem. Didn't matter in what spirit the question was being asked, it was treated as an agenda you were pushing. They'd call you an antivaxxer. Even when it wasn't true. Only from the perspective of people with a very specific agenda of getting sheeple on board did genuine questions become threatening to the point of needing to silence them. First thing is label them. Shills. Antivaxxer. Whatever the word chosen to mean "not us" is. We know this is only necessary when someone fancies themselves a protector, or a nanny state, or just someone that knows better than us and is doing the gatekeeping for our own greater good. Not to mention, like a couple other posts already have, that often the moderator(s) (not going to name, but definitely not all) do not try at all to hide the joy and gratification of being the one to do the firing. "Killing"? Cmon
I got a permanent ban for a video that unfortunately had FE in the title. I was in the middle of adding that it actually had nothing to do with FE and got an instant ban. Thankfully I was reinstated thanks to frens writing in. Knee-jerk reaction before facts were known. As far as I'm concerned, I prefer to believe Genesis over NASA, I keep an open mind. There are far weirder things tolerated on here.
Now I'm curious... who is running the show here?
FL as in Florida? Why on earth would that kick in an instant ban?
NO ONE will ever tell us... or why the site REALLY became to be called SCORED
Flat Earth, not Florida. The video title had it for some strange reason, unfortunate. It was actually full of very interesting historical facts I thought worth sharing.
As for this: I was always taught its not a good idea to wash dirty linen in public, no matter how justified.
That said, I miss Evspra, and Chronic Metamorphosis.
Is it related to Q? Has Q talked about flat earth or chemtrails?
This is a Q board. If it isn't related to Q it doesn't belong here.
P.s. The earth is not flat (because of gravity) and I don't believe that chemtrails are Q topics are related. If you want to talk about those things then feel free to start your own .win about those topics.
Yes, Q actually brought it up once..
Yeah, Q brought it up to confirm that flat Earth theory is horseshit.
"Not flat" ≠ "spinning ball floating in 'nothingness'."
Not from my search of the Q posts. Do you have a link?
Post: 2622
Even though Q just posted “No”
Still very strange it was brought up.
Is covid Q related?
It is retarded to think that the earth is flat because gravity works equally in all directions around a heavy mass.
We also see the curvature of the earth on the oceans and over flat earth. Travel a bit overland or over oceans and it will become obvious, or should do at least.
I'm done and bored with this drama. Flat Earth is retarded bullshit.
Sure I agree with you. But why antagonize potential allies? The majority of people out there think this Q stuff is as much nonsense as flat earth.
Besides, why conflate flat earth with chemtrails? Those are two distinctly different things, and there is actual evidence to support the existence of chemtrails.
Doesnt seem like a GREAT AWAKENING if you only question the things Q brings up. How sad
Gravity isn't real. It only exists in elementary Newtonian physics.
Catch up please. We now follow Einstein physics aka the theory of relativity. A change in time and space creates the appearance of your faith in said invisible force.
Flat or round it makes no difference in what God created.
You catch up. Newtonian physics aren't just cancelled because of Einsteinian physics. They are both theories that are useful for understanding our world. And that's the context for GAW. It's not a "well actually..." type vibe you see in other social media where people are so obsessed with being "technically right" that they lose the plot. The purpose. Not to mention it's just gay to act like that. Gravity is real in the sense that every single person I talk to today will know what I'm talking about when I refer to it and what it does. It's possible I could come across some nerd that needs validation that he knows something really neat. And he'd he right. But then the adults would get him a juice box and some crayons while we get on with the conversation using words that work.
"science is real" 🤡
The only thing anyone needs to know is God made everything and understanding his creation is a distraction from salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
Law of density is real.
Then the same should apply to 5g, vaccines and vaccine deaths, chemtrails, weather events, Ukraine Russia hoax, etc.
As long they keep their mouth shut..
Look how they get insulted for no reason in this post.
Even though they are more religious than the most of here.
Their beliefs comes from the Bible and not from the government.
But I’ll end here about this subject before I get banned again.
PS. Evspra was great in the past. I remember how he got treated badly at the end. But I don’t condone his actions right now.