Has the Ukrainian-Russian conflict been long in the making? Check this quote by Otto von Bismarck, the Chancellor of the German Empire 1871-1890.
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Smart man. Predicted WW1 too.
Tbh, anyone with more insight than your average puppet could’ve predicted it. Him saying that was probably the cabal gloating, rather than him predicting. They love to do this.
Great post if it checks out.
Until proven legit, I call bollocks on this quote. Many of memes like this with a so called quote, could not be verified.
You caused me to research. It has not actually been denied: https://www.stopfake.org/en/feigned-bismarck-citation-about-separating-ukraine-from-russia/
Also, these quotes by Bismarck really are interesting: https://www.azquotes.com/author/1426-Otto_von_Bismarck
He was an anon before it was cool
It never ended - same old same!
Some say that we have no real peace treaties for ww1 and ww2!
Trump made hints to it (only paraphrasing - can't find the vid, sigh)
"peace treaties will come also ... and Japan, Germany ... this shouldn't have been left over for me to do, this should have been done much earlier"
Kalergi plan at work.
Germany instigated the Soviet Union by deporting thousands of commies in 1915. They then invaded in 1941 to take Ukraine and radicalize them from Russian to Nazi.
History repeats itself again.
Check his quotes. A really clairvoyant personality.