193 Tucker Calls It posted 2 years ago by Daviest03 2 years ago by Daviest03 +194 / -1 I cannot believe Tucker Carlson just called the WEF our “lizard overlords”! 20 comments share 20 comments share save hide report block hide replies
They belong locked into a terrarium with no oxygen.
Soon pede, soon
Lizard people are real
Sauce that Lizard Overlords exist: https://greatamericandaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Maxine-Waters-Took-One-Phone-Call-Democrats-Want-to-Cover-Up.jpg
She has ring around the neck. LOL, and I do not mean the neckless.
Do you have any links? I've been curious about this?
He must listen to Salty Cracker.
He's hitting all the buttons but make no mistake, he is controlled op. This is just more prep for the alien invasion hoax.
I borrowed that to answer my phone this morning. "Davos Lizard Overlord, may I help you?"
I don't watch Faux so I didn't know about this. Boy, this is getting fun. Does this mean that "lizard overlord" memes are incoming?
Salty has lizard people on his live stream prompt for this past Wednesday. 😁🐊
Thank you Tucker! Haven't watched Fox since the last S(election) but I still watch clips of his show on the web.
A shill got the ok from his overlords to say a thing?!
Who cares?!
Its good because it helps to wake up people who are only partially asleep.
He’s telling the truth
Or they’re prepping the the sheeple to accept their reptilian overlord’s impending takeover