Huge wind turbines — taller than the Statue of Liberty — are toppling over in a 'rash' of incidents
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#FellSuddenly 🤣😂
Good one.
I the days to come, we assimilate as one whole group to plan structure, that might save us ALL in an easy step forward.
So they aren't living long enough to make up for their own cost to the environment. They are a child's toy, a pipe dream for free energy.:
"And, of course, tall, string towers require a lot of construction materials that have (ahem) a considerable carbon footprint to create. Compared to the amount of "carbon free" electricity generated, the carbon emitted in manufacturing and construction of the towers may take many years to counterbalance. Consider that the relatively low electricity production of each tower (compared to a coal or nuclear fired plant) means that far more power transmission lines must be constructed, and there is a carbon footprint involved, not to mention the excess demand created for copper, which has its own environmental issues in mining and refining, and the problems with meeting demand when creating new copper mines hits a high wall of resistance from the very same environmentalists who think windmills are a solution to the problems they imagine CO2 creates."
did that windmill have pfizer juice in the gearbox?
Gearbox is an automatic transmission type box, therefore it would be filled with tranny fluid. So it cannot help but bend over.
Couple of years ago when Texas has that winter storm and the turbines had stopped and wouldn't move...the idiots had helicopters dropping antifreeze type fluid BUT on the ground---the "pink" stuff--->HYDRAULIC FLUID!!!!!!!
These so called "WIND FARMS" are just toys and CANNOT standup to the rigors of ANY TYPE OF WEATHER...the "SAVE THE PLANET" WIENIES NEED TO GO BACK to school and learn about power generation!!! ret. ME!!!
Those turbines didn't kill themselves.
Screw the turbines, they are bird killers anyway. Same with solar panel farms, DESTROY THOSE AND RETURN THEM TO OUR FARMERS!
Really? Did the wind knock them over? How fitting.
I drove an old Mercedes up a goat trail on a French mountain to get close to one of several wind mills. Friends later sent a clipping of a folded over, crashed machine. This was maybe 15 years ago.
Cool !
Awww. This one is fine, it just needs a little ramp to make the relative-airflow parallel to the chord-line of the blades on the spinny bit.