1st, look at the PDF copy of his resume on Signal Hire here:
2nd, take note of his NY State Medical License (313466)
3rd, go to the NY Dr profile webpage here:
4th, do a last name search only (Walker).
5th, go to the second page an look up “Jordan Walker”
Last, compare the NY Medical License with the medical license on the Signal Hire PDF resume.
They're just clutching at straws because they need to to stop from sinking in a sea of truth.
I saw that troll shit right away, and then the Patriots coming in with proof that Walker is who he said he was. Fast and good work, Anons!
I haven't checked on your links, but his name is Jordon Walker.
Thanks! Unfortunately you can’t edit the title.
How did someone that stupid and psychotic get to be a medical doctor?
How did thousands of medical doctors go along with the Fauci Fraud?
Just another educated idiot.
He just has the ability to memorize stuff and regurgitate it. That doesn't equal wisdom.
Good question!
How did you get this image? Can you confirm you got this from https://www.signalhire.com/candidates/bdc539145ace11e68155feb79ce8b6d8
That page does not exist and is not in any archives :(
Not fired yet?
Archived yet? What about Linked-in
Looks like someone dropped the ball. Its gone.
How did you come across the signalhire resume page? Its gone now, no archives. This is important
It’s still there. I used a .gmail account to log onto Signal Hire. Once you are logged onto Signal Hire, you can use the link provided which will take you to Jordon Walker’s page. You can then download a PDF copy of his resume.
I see, so login required. Interesting, thanks!
You just log into Signal Hire with a gmail account. You can create a burner gmail account. Once you log into Signal Hire, his profile comes up and you can see a PDF copy of his resume.