This dude is “scared” (hoping) that cis men will sexually exploit and objectify him. One scary aspect of this, is that he is desperately trying to look like what he assumes cis men are attracted to. Delusional and completely unhinged from reality. But you are the transphobe for not going for it.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Why do a lot of these con artists look like "Rachel" Levine? They all are horribly scary in appearance. Ugly men make hideous women.
And the dude from Poltergeist 2.
The actor from Poltergeist 2, Julian Beck, played a Wall Street banker in Miami Vice ep Prodigal Son pt 2. His character invests the bank’s money into a drug cartel and then hires honeypots and surveillance to interfere with investigators such as Crockett. Crockett and Tubbs confronting him is one of my favorite scenes in the series. MV 2.2 JJ Johnston’s office
..God is in his holy temple...... totally does!
He freaked me out in that movie. Sad thing is that he was in the final Stages of stomach cancer when he did the character.
I can’t fathom how this insanity is gaining any traction whatsoever.
"...look like "Rachel" Levine?"