What if.... and I know this might be a radical idea, those balloons were actually property of the US Government, which was running another psyop to distract from something else?
There are probably some good flag grade officers left. But at this point, they all need to be subject to a new polygraph which probes into CRT, allegiance to the country, their feelings about the Constitution, and dedication to their Oath. It's a terrifying thought, but militaary leadership - including civilian - needs to be highly questioned, evaluated, and adjudicated. While we are at it, the entire security clearance appartus needs to be re-evaluated and revamped.
Isn’t realistically feasible not without a prolonged period of disorganization as the newly promoted deal with clean up of their respective commands. A phased sacking starting with the worst offenders and working outward is more viable and less likely to cause complete chaos that sacking the entirety of the Senior Officers Corps all at once.
So you want incompetent, corrupt, comprised leaders to remain in places of authority, to undermine and sabotage our military in the face of this alleged inevitable invasion?
What if.... and I know this might be a radical idea, those balloons were actually property of the US Government, which was running another psyop to distract from something else?
Just a thought...
Ding! Ding! Ding! Those weren't Chinese.
There are probably some good flag grade officers left. But at this point, they all need to be subject to a new polygraph which probes into CRT, allegiance to the country, their feelings about the Constitution, and dedication to their Oath. It's a terrifying thought, but militaary leadership - including civilian - needs to be highly questioned, evaluated, and adjudicated. While we are at it, the entire security clearance appartus needs to be re-evaluated and revamped.
Military pay scale.
Essentially he’s calling for everyone, Colonel and depending on the branch, Captain and above to be sacked.
Example Officer ranks:
So he is saying anyone that is a Col. or higher needs to go.
.mil pay scale.
While I get the sentiment.
Sacking everyone Colonel and Above.
Or Captain and above depending on the branch.
Isn’t realistically feasible not without a prolonged period of disorganization as the newly promoted deal with clean up of their respective commands. A phased sacking starting with the worst offenders and working outward is more viable and less likely to cause complete chaos that sacking the entirety of the Senior Officers Corps all at once.
if you have everyone's blackmail control file, i dont think it wd be that hard to have them toe any particular line
The coolest officer I've ever met was a Korean 3-Star. I would shoot the shit with anyone willing. From Australia-Korea-UK and other smaller nations.
One US General sure loves his sweet'n'low. His entourage made sure of it.
Inside the US, the coolest officer I've ever met was green to gold.
While there was one mentionable 'cool guy' otherwise, that one was not a good officer.
Every other was was a steaming pile of shit.
he is so right.they need to go
I dunno, I think the indoctrination is up and down the pay scale of the officer corps.
Warrants and NCOs don’t seem AS deeply affected, but you gotta play the game if you want to be promoted.
LOL "Awareness gap"
Yeah, you'd like the snakes to stay at the head, wouldn't you?
So you want incompetent, corrupt, comprised leaders to remain in places of authority, to undermine and sabotage our military in the face of this alleged inevitable invasion?