Yawn, more calls for investigations? Who needs an investigation when they don't bother hiding a thing anymore. All an investigation would do is turn up more evidence. We already have evidence galore, video, witnesses, etc. What we need is action to be taken in light of the massive amount of evidence of corruption we already have, not some stupid money wasting investigation to find more evidence that will promptly be filed away and never made use of.
"What we need is action to be taken". by every American who truly realizes what's at stake.
Looking forward to hearing the actions each person is taking each day. These reports are inspiring and often provide great ideas.
" Yawn"
Worn out from working hard all day to help Save America? As Q reminded readers, this is not a sprint. Taking R&R breaks when needed and possible is warrior savvy. WWG1WGA.
Yes "yawn", calls for investigations are a joke at this point. Can't help but yawn, "investigation" has become code word for "doing nothing". You aren't yawning at stuff like this? Might want to get your ability to yawn checked out bro. Yawning is an important part of any patriots diet.
We're not gonna take it?
Twisted sister on standby
LOL. Twisted Sister always at the ready
Not just investigated, but trial, conviction, and sentence.
These people must be hung by rope and made a spectacle of.
I hope the pay-per-view is a monthly sub to spread the cost out.
Because there's gonna be so many of them, might as well make it a full-season event.
All those damn rino's that keep getting reelected are giving me heartburn when it comes to the skullduggery (sneaky shit).
Yawn, more calls for investigations? Who needs an investigation when they don't bother hiding a thing anymore. All an investigation would do is turn up more evidence. We already have evidence galore, video, witnesses, etc. What we need is action to be taken in light of the massive amount of evidence of corruption we already have, not some stupid money wasting investigation to find more evidence that will promptly be filed away and never made use of.
"What we need is action to be taken". by every American who truly realizes what's at stake.
Looking forward to hearing the actions each person is taking each day. These reports are inspiring and often provide great ideas.
" Yawn" Worn out from working hard all day to help Save America? As Q reminded readers, this is not a sprint. Taking R&R breaks when needed and possible is warrior savvy. WWG1WGA.
Yes "yawn", calls for investigations are a joke at this point. Can't help but yawn, "investigation" has become code word for "doing nothing". You aren't yawning at stuff like this? Might want to get your ability to yawn checked out bro. Yawning is an important part of any patriots diet.
Oh boy…
As expected. The whole damn system has to be shown to the public to be FUBAR before military can fix this shit. MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY.