58 Fetterman Hospitalized After 'Feeling Lightheaded' During Senate Democrat Retreat (redstate.com) 🔍 Notable posted 2 years ago by _Big_Mike_Robinson 2 years ago by _Big_Mike_Robinson +58 / -0 BREAKING: Fetterman Hospitalized After 'Feeling Lightheaded' During Senate Democrat Retreat Fetterman's initial tests did not show evidence of a new stroke. 18 comments share 18 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Making way for his wife to take over?
It sure seems that way. She's a complete nut job.
That's been my contention this whole time.
When did that become law in Pennsylvania? The spouse takes over if anything happens, no new election or anything?
In some states (I don't know if Pennsylvania follows this model) the governor can appoint a replacement for an ill or dead Senator. But like many here, I think his being replaced was in the script LONG before his election.
100% right. The thief Josh Shapiro who stole the governor's offices will appoint his leftist nut job wife in his place.
Or Tom Wolf, the formerly installed governor.
Its insane that his wife/ handler would be given his seat
I thought he was permanently light-headed.
For Fetterman, "light headed" is a relative term. When I saw the "light headed" headline, I thought, "Compared to what?"
air head
His neck bump is taking over..he'll be back soon as a neck controlled zombie.
They will install his wife. She is worse. That is why they needed the PA governor spot as well
Fetter man feel like room spinning. Fetter man not happy. Fetter man must lie down now.
All heads without brains are light. Duh!