It Begins: Brazilian Socialist President Lula da Silva Forces Poor Families to Vaccinate their Children So They Can Receive Fina...
Stolen elections have consequences. Brazil’s socialist President, Lula da Silva, has made mandatory childhood vaccinations a condition of receiving government subsidies. The socialist president announced that parents would once again need to provide proof ...
I thought Lula was supposed to be taken out by the military...
Why is he still there?
"muh optics"
"Muh rule of law"
Never mind that these globalist regimes didn't use any rule book when they decided to overthrow a legitimately elected government...
I wander if they will be on the “two more weeks” cycle for the next four years until their “plan” becomes “vote Bolsonaro 2026”…. We hope they will decide not to cheat again.
The military stood down and did nothing. Not sure if Bolsonaro is still out of the country in the US. Just like in the US, it was a stolen and rigged election.
The military isn't just sitting on their asses doing nothing; they're fighting like hell behind the scenes!!! least, that's what the narrative is (supposed to be).
Not from what I am hearing. I have friends in Brazil and one works closely with the military. They stood down even though some wanted to intervene. In the end, they just could not, and would not, step up. Lula will purge the command structure to make sure there are no threats in the future. If there was an opportunity, it was lost.
Don't get me wrong; I agree with you. I'm just pointing out the prevailing narrative here, and how so many want to rationalize the military standing down.
"The military is the only way."
What military? The same military that stood down and rolled over for an illegitimate globalist puppet regime despite people BEGGING IN THE STREETS for them to get involved??
Of course this will be rationalized and whitewashed as "something something something devolution, yadda yadda yadda Law of War"...
I agree with you completely. Tired of the rationalizations myself. Time to wake up and smell the coffee - or whatever the hell is in the damn cup. Just wake the you know what up.
Pretty sure those of us in the tinfoil hat wearing community predicted this long ago.
But please, carry on. Nothing to see here. All is well.
Be assured, Biden would try this if not for the Second Amendment! See how that works.
No more paying taxes then too.
In other words, innocent people continue to get fucked in the ass by commie satanists and nothing is done.
This is the part of the movie where you see Communism comes with strings - strings that might kill you. It is a melodrama for the masses, the greatest demonstration in world history.
(The end of government as constituted as a body into a cyber entity. )
Gee, the CDC just placed the poison jab on the childhood vaxxine schedule here. That means that schools can start demanding Rona jabs for school entry. Sounds like lockstep to me.