posted ago by catchlightning ago by catchlightning +74 / -0

Most negative events of my life history can be tied directly to medical malpractice and pharmaceutical abuse, both by doctors and a parent crippled by addiction to pills. From being a test dummy for a handful of extremely volatile mental medication between 9-13, to the hospital covering up my brothers OD death by labeling "asphyxiation" despite the toxicology showing multiple times lethal levels of various opioids, to the medical examiner in my mother's death saying we have a case for negligent homicide against the nursing home...

And because of these traumas, I find myself nearly drooling at the idea of these sorcerers meeting the devil's eternal torture for their crimes against my family and humanity altogether.

What is it that the deepest parts of my heart and soul crave? Justice? Vengeance? I think we have reached a moment where revenge against these evil-doers is the only true justice... May GOD deliver us from evil, and save us all...