I think Jenna Ellis must be referring to Kari Lake’s tweet about Soros talking about DeSantis. Kari Lake uses the word endorse and Jenna Ellis, being a lawyer, is probably taking exception to that.
But, George Soros was clearly engaging in pretty direct comms about what he wants to see happen. And, it’s not a lie to re-tweet someone else’s perspective.
Thank you, I thought Jed was great in the beginning when I first heard her make opinions but it's been so long since she made an appearance on Fox that I forgot when she went down the drain for me with her dumb anti-Trump remarks (I know it's at least something like that).
Here’s my litmus test. Whoever the DS/cabal establishment is against, that’s who I’m for. Whoever the DS/cabal establishment is in favor of, that’s who I’m against.
I'm glad Desimps don't realize this makes Ron look wimpy. Jenna knows Ron and believes he needs girls to protect him from tweets that may be mISlEadiNg because the word endorsed was used rather than praised?
Unlike DeSactimonious, has anyone ever suggested that Trump needed to be protected from mean tweets or mean words rather than letting him handle things?
Probably this, Kari claiming that scrotum eyes endorsed meatball.
I think Jenna Ellis must be referring to Kari Lake’s tweet about Soros talking about DeSantis. Kari Lake uses the word endorse and Jenna Ellis, being a lawyer, is probably taking exception to that.
But, George Soros was clearly engaging in pretty direct comms about what he wants to see happen. And, it’s not a lie to re-tweet someone else’s perspective.
So, why is Jenna Ellis rushing to DeSanctis' defense? (Or was it Soros' defense, hmm).
RINOS outing themselves
Jenna Ellis has said some squirrelly stuff before, but can’t recall it exactly, I just remember my impression at time was like whose side is she on?
Jenna Ellis is suspect as hell. I know Rino plant when I smell one.
Who gives a fuck about Jenna Ellis
Jed Bila was AWFUL on Faux News. Bleeding libtard. BFF to Hairalldoe. Kari, you need to get a clue.... FAST.
Thank you, I thought Jed was great in the beginning when I first heard her make opinions but it's been so long since she made an appearance on Fox that I forgot when she went down the drain for me with her dumb anti-Trump remarks (I know it's at least something like that).
Here’s my litmus test. Whoever the DS/cabal establishment is against, that’s who I’m for. Whoever the DS/cabal establishment is in favor of, that’s who I’m against.
Jenna is white knighting for Ron? Lol. Delicious.
I'm glad Desimps don't realize this makes Ron look wimpy. Jenna knows Ron and believes he needs girls to protect him from tweets that may be mISlEadiNg because the word endorsed was used rather than praised?
Unlike DeSactimonious, has anyone ever suggested that Trump needed to be protected from mean tweets or mean words rather than letting him handle things?
When you need a hero, who are you going to call?
Batman Trump or Meatball Ron
I think she was in on it since the begginning to be fair.