IDK. I wish that were the case, but they've been letting us down (at least at the leadership level). They bowed to the rainbow, bailed in Afghanistan, forced the jab or discharged unjabbed, allowed a balloon to fly over the country, etc.
To be fair, Obama was up against McCain in '08 and Mitt Romney in '12, two very unlikable candidates. I'm sure there was cheating, on both sides probably, but in the end it didn't matter because they're all controlled puppets.
At this point, Only God Knows, and probably 3 people. I think that more people need to wake up. The whole world has gotten complacient, needy, selfish, and the younger people do not know God. Until they find out otherwise, things will not get straightened out. When it does, and it will, I also think it will be a lot different for the better.
2022, despite being busted, absolutely zero consequences, so cheated AGAIN!
How are we to have any optimism for 2024 without serious reform???
I feel the exact same way. That was an extreme let down. That one just really popped my bubble.
How can Trump win with voter fraud?
Same way he did in 2016.
Not exactly. In 2020 and 2022 they dialed the cheats up to 11, beyond there are number of people, that's how Mike Lindell's team caught them.
IDK. I wish that were the case, but they've been letting us down (at least at the leadership level). They bowed to the rainbow, bailed in Afghanistan, forced the jab or discharged unjabbed, allowed a balloon to fly over the country, etc.
Waiting on AZ Supreme Court to take a look at soon to be AZ Gov Kari Lake's lawsuit. I keep this in my daily prayers or my daily talks with God.
I am convinced that Obama didn't win in 2012.
I'm, also fairly convinced he didn't win in 2012 either.
Didn't Obama have fewer votes that year than in 2008? He was unpopular by the time his reelection happened.
POTUS Trump had more votes his reelection, but we were told he "lost'.
My state went against Obama both times. I hated those years. I can't stand that prick.
Wish I could say the same thing, but sadly my state voted for him twice.
They were bad years, but right now with the Resident is so much worse.
Well, I am almost glad McCain did not win in 2008.
Wouldn't have made a difference since both guys are owned by DS
Sarah Palin would have been a hoot in the White House :-)
I am very glad for 2012
To be fair, Obama was up against McCain in '08 and Mitt Romney in '12, two very unlikable candidates. I'm sure there was cheating, on both sides probably, but in the end it didn't matter because they're all controlled puppets.
Makes one wonder what was happening with the Bush Gore election in 2000. I guess Bush had more power with daddy around.
Hanging Chads.. KEK!!
Don't think Obama needed to cheat against McCain or Romney, they are the worst of the worst. Obama can at least pretend to have human emotions
Romney needed to cheat Ron Paul. RNC made sure Obama never had to.
Okay, so what is going to actually be done about it?
Other than strongly worded letters, lawsuits that go nowhere, and toothless committees?
Is it any wonder that so many are becoming numb and/or blackpilled??
At this point, Only God Knows, and probably 3 people. I think that more people need to wake up. The whole world has gotten complacient, needy, selfish, and the younger people do not know God. Until they find out otherwise, things will not get straightened out. When it does, and it will, I also think it will be a lot different for the better.
And I still had to pay taxes.
Can we get a check on bush jr? Seems swamp goes back at least since JFK election if not well before that
It wont be any different in 2008 and 2012 with other options. We got 2016 because of those changes.
Busted with zero consequence. It will continue until We The People or SHTF