Ivermectin Recommendations?
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
Welp. My husband and I just found out our puppy has worms. Lovely.
Vet said they’re transmitted through licks. We’re headed to get ourselves ivermectin.
Does anyone have recommendations on dosing and such?
Thanks in advance!
Google FLCCC for pill dosage, if paste use the box dosage instructions
Fenbenzidol is for deworming dogs and you can buy it at the pet supply store.
Oh I’m not giving it to our pup. I was talking about ourselves. Just as a precaution
Good to know! I love the puppies. God, it’s so much work, but he’s a good boy and going to be a great guard dog!
Careful with both PetMD and WedMD.
The dog dosage needs to be significantly lower than horse/human.
If OP is clueless and has the cash they are probably better off going to the vet.
Not for our dog
Just look at syringe and adjust lock ring to your horses weight! Some are 50 lbs per notch some are 150lbs very simple.
I use 4 clicks on the horse syringe 🤷♂️
How many times a day and for how long?
I'm not a doctor, so I can't give expert advice. I'm 180 lbs. I had flu-like symptoms that started yesterday. I took 4 clicks in the morning, vitamins C, D, and zinc. Took the same last night and again this morning. Feeling okay now, but I don't know if it is because of the paste and vitamins, or if I'm just a badass.
Please be aware of this...
There are other ways for parasites. Ivermectin is wonderful but use with caution.
What should we be cautious about?
Just saying to try other remedies before using Ivermectin. Nothing to my knowledge about using it.. Be careful that's all.
Dose for parasites is 200 micrograms per kilogram body weight one time.
May repeat in six months if needed
So.. 60 kg man would be 60 x .200= 12 milligrams...or 4 x 3 mg tabs
It’s not for our dog
That's what I figured. I gave you the dose for humans.
If they have a specific genetic condition.
I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice.
When I've taken the stuff it is between 0.2-0.4 mg/ 1kg of body weight taken daily for 7 days. Conversion to English system is 2.2 lbs = 1kg
So a person at 220lbs is 100kg. 100kg person would be a dose between 20mg and 40mg. Typical prescription seems to come in 3mg tablets where I am. So 7 pills is 21 mg dose for 7 days.
i have 12mg pills I got from ivermectin.com
ivermectin doesn’t take care of tapeworm. I recommend an herbal cleanse 18 days, with weekly maintenance dose in perpetuity. find OneLife Parasite on Amazon. Add ivermectin, fenbebdazole, pyrantel paomate on a rotation, dose by weight, take at least one week, longer if you feel the benefit dissipates. managing of parasites is part of life and needs to be done all the time by everyone. The average American carries 2.5# of parasites.
Or go to Truth Social and see what FloridaSharkman recommends.
This is the number one reason why I don’t understand how people can allow a dog to lick their face. Or a cat for that reason. I think it’s the most disgusting thing. And people love it. They just can’t get enough of it. Can you imagine allowing a mouth that licks its own asshole to lick your face. Yes of course you’re gonna get worms.
I’m a professional pet sitter, I keep ivermectin on hand at all times. I actually take your prophylactically once or twice a week depending on how many animals I’m pet sitting. The fact of the matter is, pets, have parasites, but humans do as well. It’s really a good idea to do a full parasite, cleanse at least twice a year, in addition to taking ivermectin.
Owning pets and pet sitting is a wonderful thing. They really do add a lot of quality to life for people. But I do not let anybody has animals lick me anywhere on my body. However; I still take ivermectin anyways especially if I’m taking care of cats. Cleaning those cat boxes, ick!
you need to add praziquantel or something for tapeworm, ivm misses those.
Yes, that’s true but when I do a full parasite, cleanse I use
Wormwood Green black walnut hulls - tincture Cloves
This does the trick, along with frequency zapping. If you haven’t heard of her, check out a book called care for all disease by Dr. Hulda Clark.
I did a pretty thorough parasite, cleanse along with a Zapping one time, and I passed a some liver flukes.
After that happened, everything that I ate was super sweet, or super salty. That lasted about six months. Parasites really do dictate what you eat and your behavior for that matter. It’s really weird.