I think you're on the right track. Here's my theory:
There is a link between Ukraine and Nazis that started before WW1. It's the concept of the Aryan race as mankind's saviors who would restore it to its spiritual existence. It was invented in the late 19th century by a Ukrainian "psychic" and occultist name Helena Blavatsky. In her book Theosophy in 1880, she claimed there were seven "root races" of humans that came and went throughout history. The 5th race was the Aryan, and the ancient rune that should represent the Aryan is the swastika. Again, this was in 1880 in Ukraine. Hitler kept a copy of Blavatsky's Theosophy book on his nightstand.
So Aryanism sprang from occult beliefs in Ukraine, not from Eugenics in Britain.
Fast forward to the Nazis in exile in South America with their $100 billion in stolen wealth, there's evidence they intended to develop nuclear and chemical weapons to attack the US. It seems their plans evolved over the decades, which now involves degrading the US and Europe from within while setting up a base of operation in Ukraine. Soros is executing both of these missions using Freemason power structures and Nazi wealth. Ukraine was fertile ground due to the roots of Aryanism already there and a population descended from escaped Nazis.
I'm still researching, but those are the dots I'm connecting at the moment.
I remember seeing a BBC documentary on Football ( Soccer) Hooligans maybe 20 years ago.
The British had a reputation for such in the 70s 80s, some elements identified as β skinheadsβ and would travel to have a fight before a football match. This is well documented.
The documentary moved on to Poland/Ukraine and the rise of 21st Century hooligans. It suddenly made the British version look like a kindergarten squabble.
The members of the units were paramilitary, carried a plethora of weapons idolised Nazi paraphernalia and Figures and lived for the violence they would inflict on rivals.
Unbelievably the behaviour was encouraged by local law enforcement, football club owners and it would seem the Ukrainian culture. It was also normal for huge nazi banners to float around the football stadia.
In Germany and most of the west references to Nazi association is shut down by the state, in Ukraine they allowed it to flourish.
I think your post is correct from what I can remember. There is evidence that in Argentina there exists building ruins that reek of a structures that the only possible conclusion is that they were used in the experiment to make weapons probably exotic atomic type. Also the fact? that the US navy was defeated in Antarctica by some high tech crafts and there may be a alternative civilization made up of what was left of the German Nazi force that escaped.
I believe Hitler made it out alive and made it to Argentina.
Watch the series Hunting Hitler. It's free on Pluto with commercials, but I bought it on Prime. I believe most episodes were recently posted on Youtube.
Their researchers go to a lake island in Bariloche Argentina where the Nazi Dr. Richter was performing the nuclear experiments. The structure was definitely for nuclear research. The Nazis were importing heavy water from Norway to create Plutonium.
There are also many eyewitness accounts of Hitler in Argentina. We know for a fact that Mengele was there, and it's very likely Borman was there too.
Worth noting that the bodies of these Nazis were never found in Germany.
When I was in Brazil in 1979, I was told by Brazilians that Hitler went to S. America after WW2. He was in Chile/Argentina area and most if not all, Brazilians knew about this. A few yrs ago, FBI released documents that proved this.
They were correct. There is more evidence of this than of Hitler dying in the Berlin bunker. The supposed skull of Hitler that Russia confiscated was DNA tested, and they found that it belonged to a 35 year old female. So Hitler's body was never found.
Thanks I remember watches the series when it was on the history channel. It was quite an eye opener. Lots of questions still unanswered. The series left a lot to be discovered β¦
Yes, but there were some successors who adapted her ideas to Germanic mythology. One successor was an Austrian "mystic" named Guido von List, who combined Blavatsky's teachings about Aryanism with Germanic/Norse mythology and the occult. List's occult teachings inspired the formation of a German occult and political group called the Thule society, which heavily influenced the German Workers' Party, which became the NSDAP (Nazi) party, which Hitler later joined.
That's why when you see the Nazi rallies in Nuremberg, they feel like occult rituals. At their core, they really are.
That's the same reaction I had. My family kept having to listen to me rant about how much history is hidden from us. Then at the end of season 1, the host of the show goes off on the same rant about how we're not taught the real history.
Now I'm showing it to my dad and he's blown away. He's been studying WW2 his whole life.
The ranting will continue until the day I pass. :)
We have been lied to just about everything. I can just name off a few here: pharmaceutical, our body, kibble, pet health, exercise and obesity, religion....etc. I don't know what is true any more.
When I was in Ukraine in 1977, there were Nazis there. I was told they had left at end of WW2 but returned in 1950s. They have been there ever since and in 2014 they took over the govt. Zelensky is a Nazi, you can confirm by researching. This is why so many in Ukraine wanted to rejoin Russia, so they could get out from under the Nazis in govt. there.
The Nazis did not lose WW2. They just moved their Headquarters to Langley Virginia while the nation was distracted with the aftermath of all the battles in Europe. Ukraine is a keystone for the NWO. Ukraine is where they get 90% of the cash to operate their plan. US tax dollars finance their biological research for their Big Pharma industry that keeps the world sick and needing their medicine which doesn't heal, it just prolongs the sickness. Every Medical College that TEACHES the doctors how to treat patients is owned or financed by Big Pharma. See a conflict of interest here?
Hmm.... some retard has been putting blue and yellow strips of duct tape up around town. I wonder how well writing A3OB on them in Sharpie would go over.
Just wondering if Hitler went from Argentina to Ukraine and rebuilt the military there.
I think you're on the right track. Here's my theory:
There is a link between Ukraine and Nazis that started before WW1. It's the concept of the Aryan race as mankind's saviors who would restore it to its spiritual existence. It was invented in the late 19th century by a Ukrainian "psychic" and occultist name Helena Blavatsky. In her book Theosophy in 1880, she claimed there were seven "root races" of humans that came and went throughout history. The 5th race was the Aryan, and the ancient rune that should represent the Aryan is the swastika. Again, this was in 1880 in Ukraine. Hitler kept a copy of Blavatsky's Theosophy book on his nightstand.
So Aryanism sprang from occult beliefs in Ukraine, not from Eugenics in Britain.
Fast forward to the Nazis in exile in South America with their $100 billion in stolen wealth, there's evidence they intended to develop nuclear and chemical weapons to attack the US. It seems their plans evolved over the decades, which now involves degrading the US and Europe from within while setting up a base of operation in Ukraine. Soros is executing both of these missions using Freemason power structures and Nazi wealth. Ukraine was fertile ground due to the roots of Aryanism already there and a population descended from escaped Nazis.
I'm still researching, but those are the dots I'm connecting at the moment.
I remember seeing a BBC documentary on Football ( Soccer) Hooligans maybe 20 years ago.
The British had a reputation for such in the 70s 80s, some elements identified as β skinheadsβ and would travel to have a fight before a football match. This is well documented.
The documentary moved on to Poland/Ukraine and the rise of 21st Century hooligans. It suddenly made the British version look like a kindergarten squabble.
The members of the units were paramilitary, carried a plethora of weapons idolised Nazi paraphernalia and Figures and lived for the violence they would inflict on rivals.
Unbelievably the behaviour was encouraged by local law enforcement, football club owners and it would seem the Ukrainian culture. It was also normal for huge nazi banners to float around the football stadia.
In Germany and most of the west references to Nazi association is shut down by the state, in Ukraine they allowed it to flourish.
That's what stands out about it in Ukraine. At minimum it's tolerated, at worst it's encouraged.
I think your post is correct from what I can remember. There is evidence that in Argentina there exists building ruins that reek of a structures that the only possible conclusion is that they were used in the experiment to make weapons probably exotic atomic type. Also the fact? that the US navy was defeated in Antarctica by some high tech crafts and there may be a alternative civilization made up of what was left of the German Nazi force that escaped. I believe Hitler made it out alive and made it to Argentina.
Watch the series Hunting Hitler. It's free on Pluto with commercials, but I bought it on Prime. I believe most episodes were recently posted on Youtube.
Their researchers go to a lake island in Bariloche Argentina where the Nazi Dr. Richter was performing the nuclear experiments. The structure was definitely for nuclear research. The Nazis were importing heavy water from Norway to create Plutonium.
There are also many eyewitness accounts of Hitler in Argentina. We know for a fact that Mengele was there, and it's very likely Borman was there too.
Worth noting that the bodies of these Nazis were never found in Germany.
When I was in Brazil in 1979, I was told by Brazilians that Hitler went to S. America after WW2. He was in Chile/Argentina area and most if not all, Brazilians knew about this. A few yrs ago, FBI released documents that proved this.
They were correct. There is more evidence of this than of Hitler dying in the Berlin bunker. The supposed skull of Hitler that Russia confiscated was DNA tested, and they found that it belonged to a 35 year old female. So Hitler's body was never found.
Thanks I remember watches the series when it was on the history channel. It was quite an eye opener. Lots of questions still unanswered. The series left a lot to be discovered β¦
Blavatsky started it? That's interesting.
Yes, but there were some successors who adapted her ideas to Germanic mythology. One successor was an Austrian "mystic" named Guido von List, who combined Blavatsky's teachings about Aryanism with Germanic/Norse mythology and the occult. List's occult teachings inspired the formation of a German occult and political group called the Thule society, which heavily influenced the German Workers' Party, which became the NSDAP (Nazi) party, which Hitler later joined.
That's why when you see the Nazi rallies in Nuremberg, they feel like occult rituals. At their core, they really are.
There were also plenty of Nazis brought to the U.S. and placed in our government as rewards.
Pretty much everyone in government and Biden's cabinet is Jew
I was just recently told about Hunting Hitler so watched some of it on youtube. It is definitely interesting and that is why I asked the question.
There's so much shit hidden from us.
That's the same reaction I had. My family kept having to listen to me rant about how much history is hidden from us. Then at the end of season 1, the host of the show goes off on the same rant about how we're not taught the real history.
Now I'm showing it to my dad and he's blown away. He's been studying WW2 his whole life.
The ranting will continue until the day I pass. :)
We have been lied to just about everything. I can just name off a few here: pharmaceutical, our body, kibble, pet health, exercise and obesity, religion....etc. I don't know what is true any more.
You said it. 100%.
When I was in Ukraine in 1977, there were Nazis there. I was told they had left at end of WW2 but returned in 1950s. They have been there ever since and in 2014 they took over the govt. Zelensky is a Nazi, you can confirm by researching. This is why so many in Ukraine wanted to rejoin Russia, so they could get out from under the Nazis in govt. there.
Thanks for the info. This is rather interesting to me because I know nothing about this.
Live and learn is what we do here. Thanks.
His daughter probably did.
They are either in complete denial, or maybe don't know history, having been public school indoctrinated. It's so obvious.
They're just following The Current Thing in an effort to never lose face. Lose it they will.
Just show them all the articles from Newsweek and NYT from 8 years ago basically questioning why we are supporting Nazis.
4 years of "anyone that wears a red hat is a nazi" to "yeah but they're not against the jews so its different."
This is the best 'Nazi-Problem' photo I have, Zelenskyy with his Nazi Swastika Jersey.
So many of you are unbelievably gullible.
This was the narrative 5 years ago. Peperidge farm remembers
The Nazis did not lose WW2. They just moved their Headquarters to Langley Virginia while the nation was distracted with the aftermath of all the battles in Europe. Ukraine is a keystone for the NWO. Ukraine is where they get 90% of the cash to operate their plan. US tax dollars finance their biological research for their Big Pharma industry that keeps the world sick and needing their medicine which doesn't heal, it just prolongs the sickness. Every Medical College that TEACHES the doctors how to treat patients is owned or financed by Big Pharma. See a conflict of interest here?
Hmm.... some retard has been putting blue and yellow strips of duct tape up around town. I wonder how well writing A3OB on them in Sharpie would go over.
What is A30B?