Sue the bastards!!! West Nipissing, Ontario, Canada Town Councillor Apologizes for Mandates. They ADMIT!!!
Councillor Anne Tessier publicly apologizes for the "punitive policy" and acknowledges that the town knew beforehand that the vax "doesn't stop the spread of the virus."
🏡 Local WIN 🏘️
This is an incredibly courageous admission. Let’s hope that more town, city, provincial, and national governments find the integrity and courage to stand up and admit what everyone knows. The Jab is a bioweapon designed to genocide the planet. It is time to bring the criminals to justice.
Apologizing after they find out their gaslighting is no longer effective isn't courage. It's fear, and an attempt to now appeal to people's compassion. Because these people know that breaking the Nuremberg code and forcing people into a medical experiment is grounds for execution.
Everyone involved in this sham needs to be executed. "Knowlingly" of course. These disgusting Karens with their pixie cuts.
They are indeed all worthy of execution but it would be wiser of us to just execute the top ones Gates, Fauci, Schwab & etc. That way we can get their own minions to rat on them & sing all the stories that future generations need to know, document & make sure never happen again
These same weak demons may have the opportunity to be in positions of power to some degree. Apologies are fine, good for the soul, but restitution is vital. If accountability is treason or crimes against humanity, are we going start drawing lines? It's nothing short of horrific what they've done and there will be a lot more destruction of life and property to come. These people are godless. They can find God in prison. Many do.
This! ☝️
True but it is more vital to get the top rats. Arrest them, threaten them with execution but then lighten it if they co -operate with revealing who they took orders to. (Never let them ever hold any authority & in fact, maybe just let them live out their disgusting lives in a nicer jail)
It's just very important to get the top rats so this stuff doesn't go on
Their admission of their mistake shows that they have realized that they were duped and have awakened to the criminal behavior of our leaders. This will cause a cascade of awakenings that will enbolden others to awaken and the dam will break, the ants/ sheep will awaken and those that conspired to participate in the genocide will be identified charged and sentenced. An admission of guilt is only the first step.
No. They want others to feel sorry for them as being poor innocent dupes, just like "everyone else."
They are throwing themselves on the mercy of the people, even when they admit they knew ahead of time.
No Deals.
How does saying, “We knew it would not help but ordered it anyway” constitute being an “innocent dupe”? But then those with limited reasoning power may fall for it.
Will these same “innocent dupes” remain in their positions to be able to make future decisions for citizens (and be “duped” again)?