posted ago by lovecymru ago by lovecymru +19 / -0

Seems like a free-for-all for younger than 25 MKUltra DSers

From the article

This bill prohibits a person from being convicted of murder in the first degree if they are (1) under the age of 25 at the time of the offense and (2) committed the crime in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of an additional crime listed under § 2-201(4)(i)-(xii) of the Criminal Law Article.

Racial Equity Impact Statement

The bill’s provisions prohibiting individuals under the age of 25 from being convicted of first-degree murder in specified circumstances would have a potentially meaningful impact on Black or African American individuals in this age bracket who face arrest for murder, in general, at a disproportionately high rate. The overall equity impacts of the bill, however, cannot be reliably estimated without detailed data on convictions, sentencing, inmates, parole activity, and recidivism rates.


The bill would prohibit an individual under the age of 25 from being convicted of first-degree murder committed in the perpetration of or an attempt to perpetrate various felonies including carjacking, arson, burglary, rape, and various sex offenses. The current penalty for first-degree murder, including felony murder as described in the bill, is imprisonment for life or life without the possibility of parole. A murder that is not in the first degree is considered second degree under statute, and a person who commits a murder in the second degree is also guilty of a felony and subject to imprisonment for a maximum of 40 years. Accordingly, the bill would reduce the overall sentence length for individuals who committed felony murder prior to turning age 25 that would have been otherwise sentenced to life imprisonment under existing law
