Exactly! That's something that's decided in kindergarten when your woke teacher tells you what you are going to be, right after the drag queen story hour! They have a special deck of cards with all the imaginary genders on them that they pass out to the children, assigning the gender - even some blank cards, so the teacher will tell the student "If your card is blank, then you get to not only pick your gender, but also your species! See me after class for an attachable animal tail!"
That 7 year thing means that when a woman becomes pregnant the baby's own cells (white blood cells usually) will be given back to the mother to help keep her healthy, and they remain in the mother's body for many years after, even if the baby miscarries or is intentionally murdered like this one here was.
Not really, as far as I know. I have 3 friends who've given birth recently and they all seem healthier than ever. Giving birth actually gives a glow and strength to the mother, assuming no complications happened.
I genuinely feel bad for her. But in a way her child accomplished what every one of us should aspire to. He was the person god needed him to be to help another with his life. Through that his mother will help others. Always remember that this life is neither a reward or a test. This life on earth is our punishment and her child received the reward we all hope to one day receive, an eternal life with our heavenly father.
I pray not only for the soul of her lost son but for her as well that his sacrifice leads her to god and that through him she leads others. May we all strive to be the people god needs us to be rather than the people we think we want to be.
Life on earth is not a punishment. I don’t know what cult you crawled out of but God wanted us to prosper and live the happiest lives possible. Guess what? Despite the pain and suffering which is part of the human condition, so is unbelievable heights of happiness. Most pain and suffering is caused by other humans. This infrastructure of society creates pain and suffering.
What do you think “the plan to save the world” means exactly? That we continue the same way of endless pain/suffering but the pedos are in jail? The plan to save the world is to restructure the entire economic system and bring financial freedom so you can pursue your passions. Just as God intended.
Don’t let this system brainwash you into thinking that life is just punishment. Such a sad way to look at life.
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.
— Genesis 1:31
From the goods that inhere in the nature of creation—they are indeed very good, even as the Lord said—one can apprehend the supreme and everlasting good. The order of the universe, its arrangement and its beauty—is not a man moved by this to love his Creator, even if he is slow in ability? For if we love our parents because they have produced us, how much more ought we to love the Creator of our parents and our own Creator! Therefore the power of God is a creating power. Even if God is not seen, he is judged from his works, and his works betray the workman, so that he who is not comprehended may be perceived.
This is murder, however anyone wants to sugar coat it. There are plenty of people willing to adopt, so zero excuses. She does not deserve to have another child.
Ugggg! That was depressing to read. To me, it is just further proof that there is a Hell in the afterlife. My kids mean everything to me. I couldn’t even imagine purposely killing any of them. The women of this world are failing God and humanity.
I know a couple of women who got an abortion long ago and still regret it. Young women should be taught that they should use abstinence or birth control unless they want to have a baby. Abortion is not an option you want to have to live with the rest of your life.
Sometimes it takes a great loss for these people to wake up.
Abortion takes its toll on the soul. But some do wake up afterwards.
I hope she crammed it up her cooze so it could read it.
Pff, since when is gender determined before birth?!? /s
Exactly! That's something that's decided in kindergarten when your woke teacher tells you what you are going to be, right after the drag queen story hour! They have a special deck of cards with all the imaginary genders on them that they pass out to the children, assigning the gender - even some blank cards, so the teacher will tell the student "If your card is blank, then you get to not only pick your gender, but also your species! See me after class for an attachable animal tail!"
That 7 year thing means that when a woman becomes pregnant the baby's own cells (white blood cells usually) will be given back to the mother to help keep her healthy, and they remain in the mother's body for many years after, even if the baby miscarries or is intentionally murdered like this one here was.
Not really, as far as I know. I have 3 friends who've given birth recently and they all seem healthier than ever. Giving birth actually gives a glow and strength to the mother, assuming no complications happened.
Yeah, the embryo/fetus/child will donate stem cells, immune cells, and whatever else is necessary to try and keep mom alive during pregnancy.
Relax woman, that loud sucking sound you heard was the sound of your baby’s soul leaving your body.
I genuinely feel bad for her. But in a way her child accomplished what every one of us should aspire to. He was the person god needed him to be to help another with his life. Through that his mother will help others. Always remember that this life is neither a reward or a test. This life on earth is our punishment and her child received the reward we all hope to one day receive, an eternal life with our heavenly father.
I pray not only for the soul of her lost son but for her as well that his sacrifice leads her to god and that through him she leads others. May we all strive to be the people god needs us to be rather than the people we think we want to be.
Life on earth is not a punishment. I don’t know what cult you crawled out of but God wanted us to prosper and live the happiest lives possible. Guess what? Despite the pain and suffering which is part of the human condition, so is unbelievable heights of happiness. Most pain and suffering is caused by other humans. This infrastructure of society creates pain and suffering.
What do you think “the plan to save the world” means exactly? That we continue the same way of endless pain/suffering but the pedos are in jail? The plan to save the world is to restructure the entire economic system and bring financial freedom so you can pursue your passions. Just as God intended.
Don’t let this system brainwash you into thinking that life is just punishment. Such a sad way to look at life.
— Genesis 1:31
— St. Ambrose of Milan
I think this great. The remorse she feels probably means she will never have another abortion. Lesson learned.
The soul that would have entered you?
Who says it wasn't there?
She's coping, obviously.
This is murder, however anyone wants to sugar coat it. There are plenty of people willing to adopt, so zero excuses. She does not deserve to have another child.
I think she typed Baby Boy incorrectly.
Link to thread? I want to see the comments.
I found this:
Ugggg! That was depressing to read. To me, it is just further proof that there is a Hell in the afterlife. My kids mean everything to me. I couldn’t even imagine purposely killing any of them. The women of this world are failing God and humanity.
I know a couple of women who got an abortion long ago and still regret it. Young women should be taught that they should use abstinence or birth control unless they want to have a baby. Abortion is not an option you want to have to live with the rest of your life.