Colin Kaepernick Lashes Out at White Adoptive Parents – Accuses them of “Perpetuating Racism”
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No, not harsh enough.
I though this too. His white maternal mother loved him, but the father abandoned her and the child. Studies show that if the mother is Black, there is not nearly the resentment. Why?
They thought they were getting “The Blind Side” but instead they got “ Children of the Corn”.
Is Colin Kaepernick being used as a self-hating prop? See my comment.
Bwa ha ha ha.
He is trying hard for another 15 minutes....
Read my comment above. There's no doubt Kaepernick has been influential in social issues that led up to the George Floyd riots. We were all outraged by it. Yet, I wonder whether the promotion of it by the media was part of a PsyOp prepping the public for such a triggering incident as the George Floyd event? Has anyone ever considered this?
Colin Kaepernick sacrificed his entire NFL career for this career-destroying ideology. Why? How stupid can one be, especially when certainly having publicists and advisors stating otherwise? There must be a motive here, especially after it was evident that the San Francisco 49ers benched Kaepernick for another quarterback. Publicity never grows by a media that's absolutely controlled. Information is underwritten and groomed for a desired end result.
Did outside moneyed influences give Kaepernick a very public forum? I wonder? How does Kaepernick pay the bills?
“part of a PsyOp prepping the public for such a triggering incident as the George Floyd event? Has anyone ever considered this?”
Of course. It’s why the cabal shoehorned a fentanyl overdose into a pre-decided police-brutality narrative.
“Colin Kaepernick sacrificed his entire NFL career for this career-destroying ideology. Why? ”
He didn’t. He was already on the bench and on his way out of the league.
“How does Kaepernick pay the bills?”
His Nike money increased after his football career. His reps got a cut too. The kneel down stunt was probably their idea.
Are you being facetious here? Basis for your assertion is what? Inquiring minds would like to know.
I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but Kaepernick was certainly not on his way out of the league until he started doing the kneel down antics.
At first this was perhaps a valid income, but it definitely soon lost its value is now a liability. The number of people repulsed as a result of his antics soon outnumbered favoring it.
Like most dual threat QBs, it took a couple seasons for injuries and defensive coordinators to catch up. Look at the 2022 seasons of Lamar Jackson and Kyler Murray. Krappernick had krappy throwing mechanics and his inaccuracy made him a bad fit for NFL passing offenses..
In 2016,
So Krappy already got benched in 2015 and the beginning of 2016. His reps knew his earnings and marketability were on the downswing so they thought of a non-football way to make some money off him. It was later on in 2016 that he started doing the kneel down during the anthem. The stunt got him a bunch of money from Nike, and his reps got their portion of that endorsement money.
“At first this was perhaps a valid income, but it definitely soon lost its value is now a liability.”
Money already in the bank isn’t a liability. That they were able to get any money from Nike for a washed-up player was a great scam for them.
For reference, Shanahan’s 2016 Falcons offense was a passing attack that once had a 25 point lead in the Super Bowl. Veteran passing QB Matt Ryan won the 2016 NFL MVP.
In 2017 Krappy was out of the league. He cooked up the story that he was politically blackballed, because it helped the Nike campaign of “Stand for something even if it costs you everything.” The truth is that if he was a good enough player, his politics and stunts wouldn’t have mattered. In 2017 the kneel-down trend became widespread among NFL players and they weren’t blackballed for it. Because they could still play.
Even in 2023 Krappy whined about and sold out his adoptive parents in order to generate buzz for his graphic novel he’s trying to sell. He’s a grifter.
Good analysis. You said, "Money already in the bank isn’t a liability." You unwittingly stated an oxymoron. Idle money looses value even with the paltry interest rate of a bank due to inflation. If Kaepernick has a good financial manager then perhaps it favors what you said. However, the flow of Nike money is not there as it was initially. That's like being laid off at work. It wouldn't surprise me if there are political NGOs paying him a retainer for future use. Who knows... He received his Andy Warhol 15 minutes of fame. Now he's a has been like David Hogg.
His options were:
A. to wash out of the league quietly for no more money
B. to wash out of the league while doing race-card publicity stunts to get a woke pay day from endorsers
The woke pay day didn’t have to last forever for option B to be much more profitable for him than option A.
I used “in the bank” as a figure of speech for money received. I don’t know how Krappy invested his woke money. If you want to get ticky tack about financial accounting, liabilities are the opposite of assets, and money in the bank is an asset even if its interest accrual doesn’t keep pace with inflation. Money in a savings account might be an improperly invested asset, but it’s still an asset and not a liability.
I'm not getting "ticky tack" or legalistic with the definition for what is considered on the IRS tax sheet as an asset versus liability. You know what the real rate of inflation is versus the paltry interest rate of a savings account (even though I now realize you meant this as a figure of speech). In the end, we are basically saying the same thing. Kaepernick (crappy) is washed up football-wise and I think also woke social justice-wise.... because he's lashing out at his White mother and doing so means there must be some deep-seated self-hatred for him to speak out against it.
Ungrateful fuck. Fucking disappear, loser!
Is he being used as a prop for PsyOps? There's no doubt Kaepernick has been influential in social issues that led up to the George Floyd riots. We were all outraged by it. Yet, I wonder whether the promotion of it by the media was part of a PsyOp prepping the public for such a triggering incident as the George Floyd event? Has anyone ever considered this?
He’s publishing a “graphic novel” because most of his fans need the pictures to understand what all those words mean.
This piece of shit has never experienced real racism in his entire privileged life.
Dude sacrifices everyone for money and fame.
The article above might provide some insight to why he harbors many of his views. There's no doubt Kaepernick has been influential in social issues that led up to the George Floyd riots. We were all outraged by it. Yet, I wonder whether the promotion of it by the media was part of a PsyOp prepping the public for such a triggering incident as the George Floyd event? Has anyone ever considered this?
Colin Kaepernick sacrificed his entire NFL career for this career-destroying ideology. Why? How stupid can one be, especially when certainly having publicists and advisors stating otherwise? There must be a motive here, especially after it was evident that the San Francisco 49ers benched Kaepernick for another quarterback. Publicity never grows by a media that's absolutely controlled. Information is underwritten and groomed for a desired end result.
Did outside moneyed influences give Kaepernick a very public forum? I wonder? How does Kaepernick pay the bills?
Now, Colin Kaepernick is back in the news again. He is being portrayed as a social justice hero that willingly puts himself out to dry. Despite what the press is revealing, Kaepernick had loving parents. Why does he hate his maternal mother Heidi Russo, who is a white American (of Italian ancestry)? Or does he not? His paternal father is a black American (of Ghanaian, Nigerian, and Ivorian ancestry). His dad separated from Russo before Kaepernick was born. His mother placed Kaepernick up for adoption and at 5 weeks old he was placed with a white couple named Rick and Teresa Kaepernick. Good Lord, it appears he has hatred toward his adoptive parents that raised him, provided him a good home, and sent him through school. And successful Colin Kaepernick was by having a 4.0 GPA.
Why all the hate? Or is it hate? Maybe Colin Kaepernick is speaking wise words and saying it is not right for anyone to adopt a person of a different race..... even if Colin Kaepernick was half Italian and half Black. It seems the late great Franco Harris didn't harbor any hate at all. He was beloved in his community and always being an other-centered person. His father, Cad Harris, a Black soldier, served in World War II and was stationed in Italy during the war. His mother, Gina Parenti Harris, was a native Italian. Franco never made issue of it. He was who he was., Yet, of course Franco wasn't ever put up for adoption either. Is it bitter grapes with Kaepernick over never knowing the father? Being adopted? What are you thoughts about Colin Kaepernick?
See my comment I posted.
So the people that raised him and took care of him are racist? What a fuckin clown, he made it through white privilege. Kek
Wow. Just wow. Isn't it?
Colin Kaepernick is now back in the news again. He continues to be portrayed as a social justice hero that willingly puts himself out to dry. Despite what the press is revealing, Kaepernick had loving parents. Why does he hate his maternal mother Heidi Russo, who is a white American (of Italian ancestry)? Or does he not? His paternal father is a black American (of Ghanaian, Nigerian, and Ivorian ancestry). His dad separated from Russo before Kaepernick was born. His mother placed Kaepernick up for adoption and at 5 weeks old he was placed with a white couple named Rick and Teresa Kaepernick. Good Lord, it appears he has hatred toward his adoptive parents that raised him, provided him a good home, and sent him through school. And successful Colin Kaepernick was by having a 4.0 GPA.
Why all the hate? Or is it hate?
Write him out of the will
This must break their hearts.
I tend to agree. He is being portrayed as a social justice hero that willingly puts himself out to dry. Despite what the press is revealing, Kaepernick had loving parents. Why does he hate his maternal mother Heidi Russo, who is a white American (of Italian ancestry)? Or does he not? His paternal father is a black American (of Ghanaian, Nigerian, and Ivorian ancestry). His dad separated from Russo before Kaepernick was born. His mother placed Kaepernick up for adoption and at 5 weeks old he was placed with a white couple named Rick and Teresa Kaepernick. Good Lord, it appears he has hatred toward his adoptive parents that raised him, provided him a good home, and sent him through school. And successful Colin Kaepernick was by having a 4.0 GPA.
Why all the hate? Or is it hate?
Giant piece o'shit he is.
Quite right. However, there's no doubt Kaepernick has been influential in social issues that led up to the George Floyd riots. We were all outraged by it. Yet, I wonder whether the promotion of it by the media was part of a PsyOp prepping the public for such a triggering incident as the George Floyd event? Has anyone ever considered this?
Colin Kaepernick sacrificed his entire NFL career for this career-destroying ideology. Why? How stupid can one be, especially when certainly having publicists and advisors stating otherwise? There must be a motive here, especially after it was evident that the San Francisco 49ers benched Kaepernick for another quarterback. Publicity never grows by a media that's absolutely controlled. Information is underwritten and groomed for a desired end result.
Did outside moneyed influences give Kaepernick a very public forum? I wonder? How does Kaepernick pay the bills?
Spoiled entitled brat and will be his entire life. It will bite him in the ass someday, too.
Will it? Or is someone saying his bills to say the things he says for social justice PsyOps?
I wonder about that.Kaepernick sacrificed his entire NFL career for this career-destroying ideology. Why? How stupid can one be, especially when certainly having publicists and advisors stating otherwise? There must be a motive here, especially after it was evident that the San Francisco 49ers benched Kaepernick for another quarterback. Publicity never grows by a media that's absolutely controlled. Information is underwritten and groomed for a desired end result.
So, it might be be a question as to who is promoting him?
I was always appalled at the crazy kneeling furor Colin Kaepernick started. However, this article above might provide some insight to why he harbors many of his views. There's no doubt Kaepernick has been influential in social issues that led up to the George Floyd riots. We were all outraged by it. Yet, I wonder whether the promotion of it by the media was part of a PsyOp prepping the public for such a triggering incident as the George Floyd event? Has anyone ever considered this?
Colin Kaepernick sacrificed his entire NFL career for this career-destroying ideology. Why? How stupid can one be, especially when certainly having publicists and advisors stating otherwise? There must be a motive here, especially after it was evident that the San Francisco 49ers benched Kaepernick for another quarterback. Publicity never grows by a media that's absolutely controlled. Information is underwritten and groomed for a desired end result.
Did outside moneyed influences give Kaepernick a very public forum? I wonder? How does Kaepernick pay the bills?
Now, Colin Kaepernick is back in the news again. He is being portrayed as a social justice hero that willingly puts himself out to dry. Despite what the press is revealing, Kaepernick had loving parents. Why does he hate his maternal mother Heidi Russo, who is a white American (of Italian ancestry)? Or does he not? His paternal father is a black American (of Ghanaian, Nigerian, and Ivorian ancestry). His dad separated from Russo before Kaepernick was born. His mother placed Kaepernick up for adoption and at 5 weeks old he was placed with a white couple named Rick and Teresa Kaepernick. Good Lord, it appears he has hatred toward his adoptive parents that raised him, provided him a good home, and sent him through school. And successful Colin Kaepernick was by having a 4.0 GPA.
Why all the hate? Or is it hate? Maybe Colin Kaepernick is speaking wise words and saying it is not right for anyone to adopt a person of a different race..... even if Colin Kaepernick was half Italian and half Black. It seems the late great Franco Harris didn't harbor any hate at all. He was beloved in his community and always being an other-centered person. His father, Cad Harris, a Black soldier, served in World War II and was stationed in Italy during the war. His mother, Gina Parenti Harris, was a native Italian. Franco never made issue of it. He was who he was., Yet, of course Franco wasn't ever put up for adoption either. Is it bitter grapes with Kaepernick over never knowing the father? Being adopted? What are you thoughts about Colin Kaepernick?
Karma is and will be. Word.
Actually, this is exactly what they get.
Fathers who abandon babies perpetuate bastards, Colin.
Interesting you used the word bastard. This word formerly had a different meaning than today. As late as 1931, a bastard is defined as this in the Century Dictionary, 1927-1931, which is "the offspring of parents of different races or nationalities". Oxford English Dictionary provides earlier evidence of its former meaning.