I have thought and said like many others here before, he will be the first arrest….
17-Dec-2019 5:03:45 PM EST
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Genius move, he martyrs himself. Optics, a President being arrested. Precedent, President getting arrested. Gains MORE support from normal people due to injustice.
Plays out, long game, he later is exonnerated.
No civil war like they wanted. Just a great precedent.
Not just the Left, the Uniparty is in full celebration mode. DeSimpers are salivating at PDJT being arrested thinking that Trump supporters will abandon him for the puppet boi of Ken Griffin.
It wont galvanize the country at all. The same patriots will be sitting on their computers or phones sending tweets and messages instead of actually doing something. If they arrest Trump he dies period. Every single patriot should have been on the street protesting for the last 2 years every single day.
"If the arrest of President Trump comes to pass, it will be one of the pivotal moments in western history and an awakening moment like none other...
They will always step into their own snares and devices and with them because evil simply cannot contain or control itself...
Long live freedom..."
Ya know? Somebody should make those words a song!
I have thought and said like many others here before, he will be the first arrest….
3716 17-Dec-2019 5:03:45 PM EST 8kun/qresearch7538263 First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
Fuck. I’m back in baby.
On one hand, I doubt anything will happen.
On the other, a trial and bringing all the evidence to light sounds delightful! Imagine Durham being tapped as part of the litigation team!
"If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." - Obi-Wan Kenobi, A New Hope (1977)
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." 🇺🇸🐸🇺🇸
I understand your thinking. Here's my take:
Genius move, he martyrs himself. Optics, a President being arrested. Precedent, President getting arrested. Gains MORE support from normal people due to injustice.
Plays out, long game, he later is exonnerated.
No civil war like they wanted. Just a great precedent.
Now open season for Biden and Obama.
If they book him, he'll just say, "I'm Hunter Biden." and they'll go oops, sorry! You're free to go. Should we call you an Uber?
This has nothing to do with Daniels.
Learn your knots, folks.
You better.. knot mention that again
Not just the Left, the Uniparty is in full celebration mode. DeSimpers are salivating at PDJT being arrested thinking that Trump supporters will abandon him for the puppet boi of Ken Griffin.
My gut says TRUMP WON! I know he did.. and I hate Arizona for that reason!
My concern is People were galvanized with Julian Assange, then forgot him… and others..
Maybe threatening his family…
Assange is not an American. This is happening in America to an exiled President.
I was making the comparison that they both were working against the cabal.
If they arrest Trump and deny bail ~ hell is coming to America!
No elon Trump Already won in a landslide in 2020 And he will in 2024 as well With or without an arrest
Especially since everyone knows that fucking Robinette and his SOB son are nearly the most corrupt personages in politics at the moment.
DS and lefties everywhere, ye be warned:
You are about to get suicided.
It wont galvanize the country at all. The same patriots will be sitting on their computers or phones sending tweets and messages instead of actually doing something. If they arrest Trump he dies period. Every single patriot should have been on the street protesting for the last 2 years every single day.
Ahh yes like the landslide that happened in 2020
Kinda like when Obi Wan told Vader to strike him down and he would become more powerful than he could imagine. KEK
They're trying again to get us to do something violent since their FFs keep falling flat.