The Democratic House found nothing after investigating with the full power of the FBI and CIA for over 4 years! The Mueller investigation found nothing even after Wiseman and RR widened the scope of the investigation to include anything Trump. The IRS pushed by the Democratic party found nothing on Trump over the years of investigating him and now you tell me this Bragg fellow found something they all MISSED!! Not hardly, the evidence is tainted and the jury was tainted. The only way there is a conviction is in absentia and I am betting that is what they are hoping!
There are actually two additional tiers. One are secret courts like FISA, which while they are (arguably) legal, lack sufficient oversight. And extrajudicial courts, which while (arguably) NOT legal, have very stringent oversight.
An extrajudicial court formed by executive order to handle cases of individuals and organizations that operate above the law. With oversight by select members of congress, military, and the president.
Some call it a star chamber. I view such things as necessary.
What's the % of people on this board that believe the Clintons and Obama and several other main offenders have all long been executed or tortured in Guantanamo and currently in prison? The actors etc,. Is there a poll feature here? I'd love to know because ostensibly there's a contingent on the board here that are on a whole other timeline of events. I'd love to hear how that squared and what it infers about the long-term viability of a political/ spiritual movement.
I just hope we as patriots don't do anything stupid or allow something stupid to happen. As I posted in the Daily Chat, I perused other sites this morning and the vitriol coming from the Trump-haters is in full bloom, to put it mildly.
Aint it funny how Mike Pence is the only Republican close to Trump who has never been investigated.or even had a bad word said about him by the usual deep state players?
Trump has an army of accountants and lawyers, yet he can still be personally, criminally indicted for mischaracterization of an expense??
This proves that the cumulative effect of government regulation is tyranny!
The Democratic House found nothing after investigating with the full power of the FBI and CIA for over 4 years! The Mueller investigation found nothing even after Wiseman and RR widened the scope of the investigation to include anything Trump. The IRS pushed by the Democratic party found nothing on Trump over the years of investigating him and now you tell me this Bragg fellow found something they all MISSED!! Not hardly, the evidence is tainted and the jury was tainted. The only way there is a conviction is in absentia and I am betting that is what they are hoping!
Spot on with that judgement....
Two tiered justice system. The most aggressions crimes=no punishment. I pray many of these have already met their fate unbeknownst to us!
Don’t forget our being upright and truthful, just and righteous is a crime now
Me 2
There are actually two additional tiers. One are secret courts like FISA, which while they are (arguably) legal, lack sufficient oversight. And extrajudicial courts, which while (arguably) NOT legal, have very stringent oversight.
An extrajudicial court formed by executive order to handle cases of individuals and organizations that operate above the law. With oversight by select members of congress, military, and the president.
Some call it a star chamber. I view such things as necessary.
Communists always arrest their adversaries.
I would rephrase that as tyranical dictators/assholes always arrest their adversaries. Because this goes for communist and fascist.
WE see the pattern, in the end we will win.
Wait are we the baddies??? Kek
Domestic. Speaking of, ai haven't heard MTG in a few days. Wonder what her take is?
She's always playing it up for the normal people. It's her role to play in the movie.
Always have been.
they set a new precedent, so these people are now fair game as well.
I hope the broadcast is free
I pray you are correct
This tweet is too early. given time it will look like this
The Clintons- Executed Hunter Biden- Executed Epstein’s clients- Executed DC insider traders- Jailed
Is this before or after our sun goes nova?
why are you here
What's the % of people on this board that believe the Clintons and Obama and several other main offenders have all long been executed or tortured in Guantanamo and currently in prison? The actors etc,. Is there a poll feature here? I'd love to know because ostensibly there's a contingent on the board here that are on a whole other timeline of events. I'd love to hear how that squared and what it infers about the long-term viability of a political/ spiritual movement.
Well i don't know but if there's a poll that asks if i hope there dead i am in
All Trump has to do is tell people to ammo up. He's got incredible restraint.
I'm curious what you mean here.
I just hope we as patriots don't do anything stupid or allow something stupid to happen. As I posted in the Daily Chat, I perused other sites this morning and the vitriol coming from the Trump-haters is in full bloom, to put it mildly.
Forgot to tell liberals pedos criminals murder suspects and rioters walk free.
I hate criminals and liars so much
All true!
Is it now time to “hot wire” some F15s?
Hotwiring is one thing, knowing how to fly them is the other thing.
Red Pill Pattern Sticky! ;)
"These are the times that try men's souls."
And this is *exactly *why liberals are the way they are! I don't think OP understands what he's posted!
Winning is lookin kinda weird...?
Aint it funny how Mike Pence is the only Republican close to Trump who has never been investigated.or even had a bad word said about him by the usual deep state players?
Guy is as crooked as they come
Supposedly they got a boot at some point and it's all peachy.