I haven't fully investigated this yet, but I have ran into old news paper articles from the 20's an 30's (earlier?) that seemed to suggest that the swastika became a fad to virtual signal your support of socialism. Even here in the US. I'll have to see if I can dig it back up.
So it makes sense to me that some old European countries held on to it.
The left wants you to forget, or never know, that THEY spawned the nationalist socialist party fuckwits. It was essentially their pride symbol of that era. Not for gays, because they had no political use for them at the time, but for their political movement. And make no mistake, the pride flag today is really about the left and little to do with one's bedroom proclivities.
It kind of IS to be confused with the manji symbol, ian't it thiugh?
I mean, that's where the Nazis stole it from anyways, chasing occultic legends and looking for Shambalah, digging into ancient religious texts in search of the "Master Aryan Race," etc... Somewhere along the way they ganked the manji as their own.
Movements pervert symbols. The rainbow hasn't just been adopted, it has been perverted. Other perverted symbols include the inverted cross and the morning star (pentagram).
The Finnish Air Force adopted the Swastika in 1918, before the Nazis. And basically just kept it around until they finally decided to remove it in 2020.
ADD: In its basic form is an equal cross which seems to be the symbol for god (gods light shinning to the four corners of earth). Pre Christian era
There is a Swedish company pre WW2 that used the swastika as their company logo, and this was where the Nazi's got it from. Check out the Free People's movement videos, they go into great detail about Sweden's involvement in WW2, their part in being a deep state actor and more.
I haven't fully investigated this yet, but I have ran into old news paper articles from the 20's an 30's (earlier?) that seemed to suggest that the swastika became a fad to virtual signal your support of socialism. Even here in the US. I'll have to see if I can dig it back up.
So it makes sense to me that some old European countries held on to it.
The left wants you to forget, or never know, that THEY spawned the nationalist socialist party fuckwits. It was essentially their pride symbol of that era. Not for gays, because they had no political use for them at the time, but for their political movement. And make no mistake, the pride flag today is really about the left and little to do with one's bedroom proclivities.
The swastika existed long before the Nazis adopted it
Should also not be confused with the manji symbol.
It kind of IS to be confused with the manji symbol, ian't it thiugh?
I mean, that's where the Nazis stole it from anyways, chasing occultic legends and looking for Shambalah, digging into ancient religious texts in search of the "Master Aryan Race," etc... Somewhere along the way they ganked the manji as their own.
And the rainbow before LGBQRSTUVWXYZ123. Movements adopt symbols.
Movements pervert symbols. The rainbow hasn't just been adopted, it has been perverted. Other perverted symbols include the inverted cross and the morning star (pentagram).
indeed, and this is one of those. it isn't facing in the same direction as the nazi swastika.
Think mirror 😂
The Finnish Air Force adopted the Swastika in 1918, before the Nazis. And basically just kept it around until they finally decided to remove it in 2020.
Correct. ADD: In its basic form is an equal cross which seems to be the symbol for god (gods light shinning to the four corners of earth). Pre Christian era
There is a Swedish company pre WW2 that used the swastika as their company logo, and this was where the Nazi's got it from. Check out the Free People's movement videos, they go into great detail about Sweden's involvement in WW2, their part in being a deep state actor and more.
The swastika is also called the black sun symbol.
It can go clockwise and counter clock wise. One is for nature and the other is against nature.
Its an ancient symbol and is used by the Freemasons and the catholic church you can find this symbol in many churches hidden in other symbols.