Scoop: Anheuser Busch insider tells me execs are angry at release of Dylan Mulvaney can
It wasn’t posted on any AB/BL social medias & the leading theory is that a Leftist manager secretly did it on their own to push trans agenda
New PR statement expected
Possible lawsuit…

Didn’t matter if they released the can or not. It was their Trans campaign that will end them. It totally disrespects real woman.
and real men!
And real beer.
And that's just criminal....
beer consumption promotes estrogen dominance anyway.
Vikings drank beer
I knew there was a reason I should be drinking more beer....only a few more days until Lent is over.....
Budweiser was already doing that.
They did that long ago
It's a form of alcohol abuse. kek
and promotes Pedophilia.
But they are truly sorry that they got caught. Soon these saboteurs will become so toxic that HR Die offices will be converted into Normal background checks to insure that dangerous mental cases are screened out of the hiring process. I used to use a standard Stanton psychological survey to obtain a basic peek under the hood. That was before combat boots, nose rings, face tats, and rainbow colored hair.
Go woke go broke
What genius marketing.