πΏπ¬π₯ If you are feeling frustrated with those currently in power; remember that all these people are controlled and were installed. President Trump cut a lot of strings and many have FLIPPED. oBiden is an actor and AOC was selected from a casting call. π₯π¬πΏ
π - WINNING - π
Wow! I forgot all about this guy and his channel. I watched religiously up until the end of 2020, when I went through a personal life upheaval. Thanks for posting this.
My pleasure.
Sorry for the fish bowl video quality. There was a much better one from a year or two ago, but I couldn't find it. I find it interesting that he mentions Cenk Uygur. That guy has his filthy fingers and morals in everything.
Yes, and I have a feeling that he's yet another scumbag that will go down with the rest...
This one? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V-3_FGyhg4k
Oooh. That's part 2. I didn't know about that one. Thanks.
I incorrectly assumed that part 1 wasn't on uTube.
I think this is part one with a different intro about how some guy knew her as some other name serving him drinks. But itβs not as long as the rumble one you put out. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4GFHwZDg_KY&feature=youtu.be
This shit is scary.
The Plan better account for this group of people.
AOC is an obvious trojan horse.
This is the equivalent of an Hollywood actor "hamming it up" or "chewing the scenery".
The m.o. of these people is the total opposite. They fly under the radar. By putting these actors front and center, people with no inclination to the conspiracy side are thinking, " Yeah, this is crazy"
Or she has been installed as a lightening rod to deflect from the sources of evil.
Such a great video. Posted a few times here over the years. Where is this guy now? He should work with OMG.
it's bots all the way down
Why is he acting like this is new? So thereβs another faction within the Deep State communist apparatus. All the politicians theyβve primaried were already bought and paid for themselves.
The original video is from 4 years ago. My post was just a reminder / FYI to new Anon's that these people are following a script.
Gotcha. Regardless, the video was very fascinating.
SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Look who else is in this group...
And another Anon found this:
Knock Down The House
Several familiar faces in there. This is so complicated. π²
HA!! tyvm
Wow. And they are still TODAY looking for more "candidates".
This is getting VERY interesting. Thanks for pointing that out.
yvw ya it gets hard to keep track