I want Trump to win.....
W W G 1 W G A
But if God forbid we lose, I want to lose only to Robert F Kennedy Jr. That way America actually wins either way. God bless Trump and God bless RFK jr.
When you usually had to choose between two deep state candidates, it seems you now get to choose between two anti deep state candidates. Quite the plot twist.
Just as people quote, voted against Trump in 2020, Democrats now will vote not for Kennedy but against Biden. Everybody hates him, no matter how blue. I like this movie.
When was the last time it was both non deep state candidates? 1960 with JFK v Nixon?
I guess that's military planning for all contingencies. Trump is the master. No matter which way they go we win.
RFK won’t get the nomination Same way Bernie wouldn’t. The Democrat machine won’t allow it. Hell there’s more chance of Hill-Dog getting the primary.
But I do agree with “losing” against Kennedy. Imagine it being Kennedy vs Trump and either option would mean there’d be a chance for the country instead of the all or nothing we’ll get.
How about Trump for Prez, Kennedy for VP—and a write-in campaign that leaves both Rinos & Dems in the dust?
The question isn't on where they are with issues, it's whether or not they can be bribed, bought or threatened.
If we judge a man by the company he keeps, like his wife, then you're not going to like most of his stances.
He endorsed HRC emphatically too, as i recall. BUT I do think him being on the stage with a bunch of democrats talking about how the scamdemic and the clot shot is a good thing. Because they will have to talk about it too.
Yes, that aspect is a plus.
I think his father was in favor of gun registration.
RON Paul
Every country needs Trump, or someone with similar beliefs to win. America affects the whole world, and as it looks now we're all drowning in left-wing craziness.
I want, I want, I want.
I want wat He Wants.
I think it's doubtful RFK Jr will get the dem votes he needs. He has been pretty vocal about vaccines, not just the Covid-19 vaccine. I think that alone will turn him off for many dems. He's just too conservative.
Unless the truth comes out and he's the truth-teller on the left. People are going to be furious when they find out the truth. And it's coming. NCSWIC
Kennedy will not get the Dem nomination. They know he's not really one of them and will work against their agenda.
coulter is pushing the Reverse Psychology thing where the Left wants you to think that they want DJT as the candidate so people back Desanctis and split the party.... eff Coulter!
That truly would be a bizarre election. Could you imagine having two candidates that loved America and wanted her to prosper?
I admire RFK Jr's stance on the vax but he's rabidly anti-2A.
His tweet from Feb 15, 2018 https://twitter.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/964220839653662720
He also endorsed Hillary Clinton for president in 2007 and 2016.