Gold destroys FED
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Let's hope this gets some traction. It's way past time we backed the dollar with gold again.
Probably have to wait after Trump return… but the bill have been prepared since 2018 at for this bill.
Plus still need to wake up more people and have a taste of the crash first.
MOASS? Can't happen soon enough!
This will happen after Trump is back in the Oval Office. Expect a perceived dollar crisis rising. Already steps are being put in place. We didn't have enough gold to pull this off before, but now we do. I call it Trump's gold. A caveot may be that only US citizens can redeem it for US gold.
all countries have their own gold too right ?
Almost all have gold, just not enough. Now I believe that Russia has enough to make the switch and China has been on a gold buying binge for several years. But China will have to do some fancy dancing because their economic system is teetering on collapse.
There is enough gold. They can make the gold/dollar ratio anything they want.
Sure, sorta, but at some point it get's ridiculous.
According to the official narrative, there are about 8,133 metric tons of gold in U.S. reserves. I doubt that is true, I think it has been mostly moved into private bankers hands, but we'll go with it. There are 32,150 troy oz. per metric ton. That means there are, in reserve:
8133 metric tons times 32150 troy oz/metric ton ~ 261 million troy oz.
As for the total money that exists, the official number (not that I trust it, but we'll go with it) is between 40 trillion (narrow money), 90 trillion (broad money) or 1.3 quadrillion (derivatives, investments, etc.). With the amount of naked short selling, I wouldn't be surprised if you could double or triple that, so upwards of 4 quadrillion.
Putting this into perspective we get one U.S. gold backed dollar is equal to:
These numbers don't mean much, so let me try to put it into something that makes a little more sense. Here is a picture of 1g of gold. It's not the best picture since it doesn't show the whole hand, but it shows that it isn't very much. Carrying that around, it would be pretty darn easy to lose it. But let me give you an idea of what one U.S. gold backed dollar would look like:
Even with narrow money, think about dividing that gram picture into 5000 parts, then try to find it in your pocket. With short sales, divide it into half a million parts. It's almost easier to start measuring dollars in atoms of gold.
That 1g sells for about $130. This suggests it should be worth between $5000 and $500,000 if we were to move to a "gold standard" as things stand today.
For reference, that translates to between $150,000 and $15,000,000 per troy oz in today's money.
This right here is correct. It will have to be over 10,000USD per troy ounce most likely because they printed so many USD. I really don't understand why so many people say "there isnt enough gold"
Wish I had more gold. I hedged my be with some silver too. Would be nice for them both to take off. They have printed both gold and silver in the paper market.
Theoretically, but a very high price would have a very bad effect on the gold jewelry business and the electronics business.
I agree gold is the best way to destroy the Fed, but backing their funny money with gold won't do the job. Gold will have to back a currency they don't control.
At its current evaluation, I'm guessing the dollar is worth about one milligram of gold, maybe less.
Still NO text there!
Maybe sent out summary ideas to Mr. Mooney (introduced the bill) or maybe he already have everything ready but hide it it until the right time
"To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold, and for other purposes."
So is this another go like 1933 when gold got set to $35.00 an ounce with an executive order making it mandatory all gold be sold to the Fed for a fixed price? Because as I remember reading, that was about the time it was no longer profitable to mine the stuff. There was a short bonanza in the 70s-80s, just before mining got shut down by enviromentalists and green peace types lobbying for owls, scenic rivers, wild life preserves and other nonsensical pet projects. Many of which turned into massive land grabs, millions of dollars spent on "research." Later it was shown many of those studies were done in a manner to reach specific conclusions and much of the land has been repurposed or sold to lumber/gas/oil/foreign mining companies. (Check out how many state and national monuments have been redefined for other uses.)
Most of the lobbying was done without public knowledge to bypass the window of time required by law for public notification, rebuttal and discussion. What directly followed, was precious metals being hedge funded to limit supply and control prices. With inflation, demand, scarcity, and prices of all metals at all time highs, of course somebody is interested in reworking the system for quick profit under the guise of "stability." This, in my opinion is another example of Hegelianism playing out, simple as.
USFS and BLM have regulated mining and mismanaged the lands they are supposed to maintain to a point only corporations willing to spend millions actually get to make money at it. All they have to do is lobby the federal government, purchase approval for a lease agreement, then they are legally allowed to come in and take minerals and resources that belong to the American people. Most of the corporate gold mining outfits today are Canadian, Saudi Emirates or Chinese and the profits do not remain in America. For the rest of us, we get to chase it as an antiquated hobby with a gold pan or metal detector in some limited areas, but only with approval from the government once they get their fees.
To truly fix our monetary system, in theory, the power would need to go out for a couple of months, so everything fiat could grind to a halt while we worked on building a parallel gold backed economy. Saving the dollar with gold keeps all of the debt that comes with it, whereas a "new currency," would perhaps allow for paying cents on the dollar against that debt.
Rofl, you're not even allowed to metal detect on most public lands anymore, you're supposed to be able to with a permit, but they don't issue permits anymore. (in most places)
The other trick our goverment likes to use is to build a lake for "drinking water" over the top of mineral rich areas so nobody can touch it. They have buried whole towns under water like this.
The public land that USFS and BLM are supposed to be the caretakers of for the people, is systematically being stripped away from the people and used as collateral for debt spending with foreign countries. Our goverment uses the natural resources in and under all of our national forests and public lands as collateral while the people are expected to remain wage slaves. But you can camp in spot if you pay a fee and follow the rules. If you do happen to have a mining claim, you have to pay yearly fees and report your findings. Places like the Rogue River Reserve Area were created because of this practice. Huge amounts of gold nobody but Uncle Sam is allowed to touch.
While we’re at it;
Silver is Money
Bombs move Markets
War makes the economy move (unfortunate reality).
Thought you were advocating violence there.
War is a scam.
Agreed, scams. All wars are bankers wars.
I've been meaning to get into the Fire Emblem games.
Imagine if the characters realized who's been manipulating them into fighting their brothers and sisters, and turned their swords, axes and lances towards the REAL enemy...
Now THAT would make a cool story.
War is a bank scam for sure. Every country that has tried to create a gold backed monetary system has been destabized and their goverment overthrown. Centralized bankers don't like any threats against their ponzi scheme fiat system and usually react violently.
On that note, I'll be back out prospecting here in just a few weeks once it warms up a little!