I am tired of people here labeling all talk of gesara nesara as false, there are plenty of truths built into the information regardless of what is not truth. Disinfo is necessary, Q101 pretty much.
If a person talks to you about nesara gesara and then wants you to buy their book or leads or invest into their profit share then RUN.
They are are a capital S Scam, a grifter, a liar
If a person talks to you about nesara gesara because they want your mind to begin understanding what will happen soon with no other expectation, Not a Scam.
I know some of you are proud of your jobs and some of you are Christians and really believe "sweat of your brow" but wage slaving, credit scores, loans, mortgages, all of it is going to be ancient history one day
We will wonder how we allowed humanity to be pretty much enslaved for hundreds of years.
You already know taxation is theft
so it is best to start getting ready to accept our current economy and way of living is broken and not on Q or Godly
Not saying don't work right now, do what you can to navigate the current system..but do not center your life or your reason on this system. Start thinking about the after, about "what is coming"
I would love to believe in Nesara/Gesara. But be honest. There is exactly ZERO credible evidence that it is real. Nothing. Show me any official government document that proves it, and I will dig in and devour everything it says. I know there were papers produced with this name. That doesn't make it real. An actual Bill passed through Congress and signed by the President makes it real.
The best anyone can honestly say about Nesara/Gesara is that it is a nice idea which may prove a guide for legislation at some indefinite point in the future. And that is only if our elected/Dominion appointed representatives can start working for the people rather than themselves.
Not sure if the total Nesara package is real but BRICS certainly proves the need for the asset backed currency that is the basis for Nesara. That’s concrete.
I personally believe that Nesara/Gesara was something real that was worked out pre-911 when the farmers' case in SCOTUS exposed the corruption of the financial system. I think trying to bring it about just like that at that time, without any Great Awakening would have been overall detrimental to the future in many ways.
This is probably the strongest reason why the WHs did not intervene in the 9/11 psyop (which was arguably trying to stop this from happening, but for the "bad buy" reasons).
Since then we went through 2008, which would have been another exit for the financial system, but would have been disastrous for humanity as well, and hence the bailouts were allowed to proceed.
After that I believe WHs realised that GA was absolutely important before the controlled demolition of the slavery financial system. That brings us to now.
At this point, will the new system be exactly like what was planned in 2000? Highly unlikely. Does that make Nesara/Gesara a "scam" ? No, not unless someone is trying to grift using it, or someone is talking about it as if its happening at the present time.
TL;DR - just a long winded way of saying I agree with you
Because it is not real. None of it is real. The money is fake, the numbers are invented, the tangible goods exist but the value attached to everything is just a theory.
Real estate is one of the biggest shifts. Any major city has hundreds of thousands of residencies owned by Chicoms or Saudis. Entire developments created as money laundering fronts by hedge groups. When the switch is flipped, real estate crashes completely not because the economy is broken but because a roof over your head is no longer a luxury.
You move from sector to sector (education, healthcare, transportation, etc) and you will see the same change. I do not believe the shift will be we are all rich overnight but I do believe this
A family of five will once again thrive on a single income
Family wealth and inheritance will make a huge resurgence
Retirement will happen a lot earlier for everyone
Realistically, I think everyone will just get a class upgrade. Poor will become middle class, middle class will become affluent, and the rich will be able to continue being rich without needing to resort to the tactics and ethical quandries that lead to class warfare and the "eat/kill the rich mentality"
The family wealth/inheritance resurgence will lead to generational wealth and more people able to live free from the system. The awakening itself, spiritually and emotionally will lead to a stronger family and national culture of service to each other. You can see where this is going...? Realizing the full potential of free markets while actually accomplishing the pipe dreams of socialism/communism
Keep in mind right now between Child Tax Credit and social services we already have UBI. It is another reason everything is so broken.
That is where awakening comes in. People will change. You are right, never before in history. That is the "great awakening"
Awakened people will happily "upgrade" lower classes because it means humans stop living like lower domain animals and actually start living like humans.
That bankruptcy and entire restructuring will happen, but what is the point if we just end up in the same place? Think of how many parents took the jab cause "my kids got to eat"
This discussion is not even factoring the possible vaccine exodus. What happens when 4-6 pass%? Do we just demolish all their vacant homes, crush their cars, and put their money in Ukraine?
I keep trying to find information on this subject, but can't find anything dumbed down enough for me to really appreciate what it means for all of us. I've watched videos about the US corporation of America, I've seen videos of flags with fringe and without, I've seen citizens being arrested saying they are sovereign citizen. It appears all this is lumped together. I am confused.
I am tired of people here labeling all talk of gesara nesara as false, there are plenty of truths built into the information regardless of what is not truth. Disinfo is necessary, Q101 pretty much.
If a person talks to you about nesara gesara and then wants you to buy their book or leads or invest into their profit share then RUN. They are are a capital S Scam, a grifter, a liar
If a person talks to you about nesara gesara because they want your mind to begin understanding what will happen soon with no other expectation, Not a Scam.
I know some of you are proud of your jobs and some of you are Christians and really believe "sweat of your brow" but wage slaving, credit scores, loans, mortgages, all of it is going to be ancient history one day
We will wonder how we allowed humanity to be pretty much enslaved for hundreds of years.
You already know taxation is theft
so it is best to start getting ready to accept our current economy and way of living is broken and not on Q or Godly
Not saying don't work right now, do what you can to navigate the current system..but do not center your life or your reason on this system. Start thinking about the after, about "what is coming"
I would love to believe in Nesara/Gesara. But be honest. There is exactly ZERO credible evidence that it is real. Nothing. Show me any official government document that proves it, and I will dig in and devour everything it says. I know there were papers produced with this name. That doesn't make it real. An actual Bill passed through Congress and signed by the President makes it real.
The best anyone can honestly say about Nesara/Gesara is that it is a nice idea which may prove a guide for legislation at some indefinite point in the future. And that is only if our elected/Dominion appointed representatives can start working for the people rather than themselves.
Not sure if the total Nesara package is real but BRICS certainly proves the need for the asset backed currency that is the basis for Nesara. That’s concrete.
I personally believe that Nesara/Gesara was something real that was worked out pre-911 when the farmers' case in SCOTUS exposed the corruption of the financial system. I think trying to bring it about just like that at that time, without any Great Awakening would have been overall detrimental to the future in many ways.
This is probably the strongest reason why the WHs did not intervene in the 9/11 psyop (which was arguably trying to stop this from happening, but for the "bad buy" reasons).
Since then we went through 2008, which would have been another exit for the financial system, but would have been disastrous for humanity as well, and hence the bailouts were allowed to proceed.
After that I believe WHs realised that GA was absolutely important before the controlled demolition of the slavery financial system. That brings us to now.
At this point, will the new system be exactly like what was planned in 2000? Highly unlikely. Does that make Nesara/Gesara a "scam" ? No, not unless someone is trying to grift using it, or someone is talking about it as if its happening at the present time.
TL;DR - just a long winded way of saying I agree with you
I have yet to see anyone, other than on forums like this, who isnt trying to grift off it. Any website devoted to it is made up entirely of grifting.
But I do see concepts involved that could be useful to those designing and implementing the new system.
Because it is not real. None of it is real. The money is fake, the numbers are invented, the tangible goods exist but the value attached to everything is just a theory.
Real estate is one of the biggest shifts. Any major city has hundreds of thousands of residencies owned by Chicoms or Saudis. Entire developments created as money laundering fronts by hedge groups. When the switch is flipped, real estate crashes completely not because the economy is broken but because a roof over your head is no longer a luxury.
You move from sector to sector (education, healthcare, transportation, etc) and you will see the same change. I do not believe the shift will be we are all rich overnight but I do believe this
A family of five will once again thrive on a single income
Family wealth and inheritance will make a huge resurgence
Retirement will happen a lot earlier for everyone
Realistically, I think everyone will just get a class upgrade. Poor will become middle class, middle class will become affluent, and the rich will be able to continue being rich without needing to resort to the tactics and ethical quandries that lead to class warfare and the "eat/kill the rich mentality"
The family wealth/inheritance resurgence will lead to generational wealth and more people able to live free from the system. The awakening itself, spiritually and emotionally will lead to a stronger family and national culture of service to each other. You can see where this is going...? Realizing the full potential of free markets while actually accomplishing the pipe dreams of socialism/communism
Keep in mind right now between Child Tax Credit and social services we already have UBI. It is another reason everything is so broken.
That is where awakening comes in. People will change. You are right, never before in history. That is the "great awakening"
Awakened people will happily "upgrade" lower classes because it means humans stop living like lower domain animals and actually start living like humans.
That bankruptcy and entire restructuring will happen, but what is the point if we just end up in the same place? Think of how many parents took the jab cause "my kids got to eat"
This discussion is not even factoring the possible vaccine exodus. What happens when 4-6 pass%? Do we just demolish all their vacant homes, crush their cars, and put their money in Ukraine?
Don’t forget that in addition to “all money is debt”, we have interest on that debt.
Meaning that there are more debt+interest out there, than there’s money to cover it.
Nesara/Gesara doesn’t explain how to solve this problem.
I keep trying to find information on this subject, but can't find anything dumbed down enough for me to really appreciate what it means for all of us. I've watched videos about the US corporation of America, I've seen videos of flags with fringe and without, I've seen citizens being arrested saying they are sovereign citizen. It appears all this is lumped together. I am confused.
I agree. To much to say here about this issue, but the self-righteous mocking of these topics by fellow Q supporters is too much.