Blood Cultures of Unvaccinated Blood Shows Extensive (CDB) Filament Development After 2 Weeks Incubation- Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD ...
Image 1: Unvaccinated live blood analysis Subject 1 - prior to incubation at room temperature for 2 weeks This is the next set of results in Clifford’s and my effort to answer the question: What happened to humanities blood? We are conducting different exp...
I'm calling bullshit. Article is very vague on the source of the "unvaccinated blood", and the precise differences of vaxxed vs truly unvaxxed. How much contact did this "unvaxxed" person have with vaxxed? What would we see in the blood if this experiment had been run 4 years ago?
Here's my overall take: If the jabs weren't necessary to get this stuff into people, there wouldn't have been such a huge push. If they can get it into us through geoengineering or through our food that's always going to be the preferred route.
If you are unvaxxed you still have a lot to be thankful for. This article, even if legit, doesn't change that.
I suggest you look at Dr. Carnicom's 6 part series on his work on blood analysis that has taken place over is your prerogative to believe or not believe this information. This particular link is from a newsletter I subscribed to but there is more detailed information as you follow the links into various other research they have done. I find these two people have absolutely no reason to lie or falsify data...they are not selling anything and I have heard many of Dr. Mihalcea's interviews and I find her to be a very credible researcher. Also...there have been MANY anecdotal stories online about people's debilitation due to transmission that is a very real thing. This is not meant to scare people...only to get them to be aware of some of the repercussions of this whole vaccine genocide program going on. You obviously are aware that this includes many other aspects than just the chemtrails, food and water poisoning, drugs, etc. this is not the only way they have been trying to kill us for a very long time. None of this is beyond the realm of possibility...especially since we discovered that the military industrial complex is involved with this....
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Unvaxxed, currently seeing blood doctor for Mia shape RBC and severe anemia that started after taking care of my vaxxed mother… I’m gonna bring up this study on Tuesday when I get my iron infusion
Have you tried the spike protein detox with nattokinease.
I have not tried the nattokinease but I did do the bromelian and nac. I also took the ivermectin. Currently have been doing the MSM solution (Chlorine dioxide) which has helped the bleeding for the past 2 mo. Blood doctor had me stop all supplements and cdl until after we are done with transfusions, he wants to see a weekly pull of blood and what it is doing. I have a feeling he is kind of doing his own research into all of this as well and he seemed excited to finally have an unjabbed patient to look at the blood.
I would hope people would try that...FLCCC has published protocols...
How are your ferritin levels?
They are always low, to the point I was looking at blood transfusions but I kept refusing, I take hemaplex daily and still can’t get over 10. This has been over a year on blood builders. The cardiologist I went to finally was the one who said we need a blood doctor to look at the blood so he got me in to one in 4 days!!! So Tuesday was my first appt and he listened to all my concerns and agreed on my stance to not wanting a chance of “tainted” blood and is going to do the iron transfusions and b12 injections to see if we can get the anemia under control. He also suggested talking to a competent ob to see if a hysterectomy might help as he suspects I am losing so much blood monthly that my body is just constantly trying to catch up. I never had bleeding problems until this shot rolled out. And tons of my unjabbed women friends are having the same issues so it’s not a one off thing.
Any chance you are of Mediterranean descent? ?? thalassemia is a real thing.
So sorry that you are going through this. I was thinking to suggest artemisinin, but not sure how it might affect your iron levels.
That's assuming the point of the jabs was to inject us with stuff. It may have just been psychological warfare; a typical marxist demoralisation campaign.
WAY too many people have died soon after the jab, or Died Suddenly in the months following, or suffered sometimes horrifying symptoms of one sort or another, for the jabs to be saline and "just psychological warfare."
Psychological warfare is certainly part of it, but actual and purposefully harmful and deadly effects of whatever is being injected into people is undeniable.
I think a lot of the shots were placebo or very little of anything that mattered. We have the whole died suddenly to no effect on extended family that were vaxxed...hard to know, really.
Several batches of the jab have been analyzed and the contents of the vials, even in a single batch, have ranged from near-saline to heavily contaminated with all sorts of things -- both poor quality control and purposeful variation have been observed. That's surely one reason for the variable response to the "vaccines."
Another reason is, for example, that whether the tip of the needle ends up IN A BLOOD VESSEL or just in muscle fiber determines whether the toxins etc get immediately pumped all around the body or not.
Some of the vaxxed may never have any damage from the shot; those who got saline would clearly have no negative or positive effect. But the statistical evidence for toxicity of the "vaccine" is overwhelming. Not everyone got the same concoction but millions of people got enough of something bad that life insurance companies, embalmers and funeral home owners, the VAERS database, government database info from other nations, and a whole LOT of other sources show dramatic and far-beyond-chance elevations in excess deaths, in cancer (including very aggressive cancers), in heart disease and strokes, in neurological damage, and more. See Steve Kirsch and Jessica Rose (among many others) for past and ongoing details.
In any TEST subject to see which injection has the desired result there will always be different solutions or amounts of ingredients to see which is best. This was the largest Guinea Pig experiment ever with billions of test subjects!
Placebo or not, a critical point is that there was no actual strict regulation on the disclosure of and the doses of any particular ingredient, so one batch could be many times more potent than another batch.
It seems to me like they'll probably get away with getting us all modified in some fashion though, unless someone actually puts a stop to it before it gets that far.
We are persistently on the backfoot right now, however.
I think it is all that and more...and the entire truth may never be known....
They did 1 MILLION DOLLAR GAMESHOW/LOTTERIES for their jab. Which means they really, REALLY needed you to get it and that it would do NOTHING good for you
The the Filaments present as red white or blue?