posted ago by DrMcCoy ago by DrMcCoy +33 / -0


Vaginoplasty is a complex procedure with a high rate of complications, with 20 percent to 70 percent of trans-identified male patients reporting to have experienced complications from surgery. The purpose of a vaginoplasty is to create a neovagina from existing genital tissue, sometimes also using a section from the colon.

The neovagina must be dilated (forced open) daily with a device for a year after surgery, otherwise the wound created will heal over and close up because the body is trying to heal and close this structure. Because the neovagina does not contain mucosa, daily douching is required, and low pH can cause frequent bacterial and fungal infections.

Fistulas, an abnormal connection between an organ, vessel, or intestine and another organ, vessel or intestine, or the skin, are a common complication of vaginoplasties. Rectovaginal fistulas, in which bowel contents can leak through an opening, allowing gas or stool to pass through the neovagina, occur in 2-17 percent of vaginoplasty patients.


Phalloplasty is a complex series of surgeries that can take 1-3 years to complete. The goal is to create a pseudopenis from skin grafts taken from elsewhere in the body, and it has a very a high rate of complication. 51 percent of trans-identified female phalloplasty patients have urethral complications, often involving urethral strictures, scarring that narrows the tube that carries urine out of your body. It is treated with a catheter and urethroplasty, another surgery to correct the closure. Urethroplasty is required in 94-96 percent of affected patients and fails in up to 50 percent of cases.

Fistulas are the most common complication of phalloplasty that occur in around 25 percent of patients. This results in fecal matter, foul-smelling discharge, blood, gas and urine emptying from the body through the urethra. Sometimes a fistula is accompanied by infection and inflammation of tissues, and urine leaking into this area makes this condition worse.
