242 President Trump on TS..."WORLD WAR III" (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by purkiss80 1 year ago by purkiss80 +242 / -0 25 comments download share 25 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Since he never says something for nothing..
Buckle up!
I think he means war with the cabal, not between nation states.
Yeah, I don't think he's talking about 'Conventional' World War III"...
taking into account the perspective of the public
[ who don't believe in 'conspiracies' ];
I'd say it means BOTH:
1- War with the Cabal
2-between Nation States
( at least to the point where Humanity believes WWIII has started )
Yeah, he caters for different levels of understanding.
It's moves and counter moves. W hats release info, China moves closer to invading Taiwan. More info released, more movement from NATO, etc.
3 = 2 + 1
… which would confidently match III in WW III and that’s what’s already happening for some time already.
The Silent War continues...
All of the other World Wars were wars in the Minds of Men. The fighting was all Illusion. Not to say it wasn't deadly, but it was deadly because people had already lost the war of the mind.
I'd say what is happening is pretty conventional.
China invading Taiwan soon. He’s speaking to normies.
We have already been in WW3 with the cabal the past 7 years