VIRGINIA: Judge's ex-wife was charged with distribution of child pornography and attempted child sex trafficking of an 8-year-old girl 🤮. Sickos come in female form, too.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
99 percent of the time when you hear about a teacher having sex with an underage student, it's a female teacher.
To be fair, most teachers are women nowadays because somehow they successfully stigmatized male teachers.
Only male teachers nowadays really seem to be mentally fucked up and identifying as 16 non binary genders
Typically raised by women
Childcare teachers are women
Elementary school teachers are mostly women
Middle school and high school teachers are mostly women
All time high of single mothers
Pediatricians mostly women
Psychology workers mostly women
counselors mostly women
So all this is telling me is that toxic masculinity is directly related to men being dejected from the home and society.
Saw this earlier. Highly disturbing!!! Even creepier to think of the abuse she must have gone thru as an "elite" child. How horrible for her own children and hopefully she was never able to do this to them since they have a caring dad. Altho him being a judge doesn't make him sound good either. And he married this psycho. How could she be sending around pics of children being fucked when she has TWO daughters no less. Omfg. Hope she fries in the pits of hell. I'm so disgusted
Bored to death white rich liberal woman. Richmond is a small city, nothing to do if you don't have hobbies.
The pattern I see is that the elites typically don't touch their own kids. But when it comes to others, they want to dominate and find it natural to abuse others, as a right I guess. ThisShitIsHilari0us is probably right, bored to death white rich liberal woman with too much time, thinking the most evil shit to do.
Always inserted herself in situations with children.
Sometimes females are worse. Know of a recent pedo case where he abused the daughter and her kids. Prison was max 12 mths (oz). The wife of this sick prick keeps asking the daughter what it was like etc. AND of course has defended him and allowed him back into their home. I could tell of other similar stories of mothers.
I always say if it's happening the women likely DO KNOW and are in on it TOO
Of course they do. Hillary's not a lesbian, she's a sadistic pedophile who has a prediliction for little girls.
I hope the women in prison deal with her.
The only thing I don't trust here is anything the FBI says and for all I know this judge is working with the FBI to get custody of his kids. She may be guilty but I don't believe anything coming out of the FBI.
Where does it say they are democrats ?
Follow the WIVES................
Their eyes are black
Both look demonic
She's not sick. She's evil. Much less of a sympathetic character that way. Have no sympathy for her.