Nancy tweet decoded: Joe you old fuck, send me more money before Ukraine gets it all. We have been trafficking Chinese fentanyl through Mexico in overdrive and I want my cut! martini emojiice cream emojiwinky emoji
But translating from Drunken Harpy to English. She’s asking for DOJ/DEA to deploy assets that are part of the “Operation Overdrive” initiative the Feds launched last year.
Hand over poppy fields and military equipment to china. 2. Tear down border wall. 3. Refined opiates (fentanyl) from China flow freely into USA. 4. Give money to dem donors to “clean-up” fentanyl crisis. 5. Dem donors give back to dems. 6. Rinse. 7. Repeat.
Hasn't been getting her cut ?
This. No mention of the Border.
@SpeakerPelosi? I guess she just assumed she'd be speaker forever when she created that username.
They must have cut her share after losing the chair
what does that even mean? Designation of Operation Overdrive?
Nancy tweet decoded: Joe you old fuck, send me more money before Ukraine gets it all. We have been trafficking Chinese fentanyl through Mexico in overdrive and I want my cut! martini emoji ice cream emoji winky emoji
Nancy probably had a few before making the post.
But translating from Drunken Harpy to English. She’s asking for DOJ/DEA to deploy assets that are part of the “Operation Overdrive” initiative the Feds launched last year.
Here’s the press release from 2022.
They are not fans in the comments
What happened? Did a few homeless drugies leave needles in front of her mansion?
maybe she's forced
I guess the liquor store stopped deliveries until she did something to improve safety.
420 timestamp is the best
All with your tax money!
As part of the peer review process, I checked the math on this, and it's 💯%
A little fraction of all the Ukraine money would finish the border wall and allow BP to focus their resources of drug trafficking. Fuck off Nance.
The correct question is who's fentanyl are they cracking down on? The competition's. Nancy's fentanyl will still get thru.