Has anyone researched the copycat crime phenomenon? The media turns every shooting tragedy into a week long media event designed to inspire mentally ill or criminally minded individuals.
It’s like they are being programmed to go berserk.
Without fear? Cal. HAD the assault weapons ban she wants when the terrorists shot up an office in San Bernardino. What did the Ban actually DO? Of course it did Nothing to stop crime.
Has anyone researched the copycat crime phenomenon? The media turns every shooting tragedy into a week long media event designed to inspire mentally ill or criminally minded individuals. It’s like they are being programmed to go berserk.
Communist biticph
I have a better idea, ban schools -- Kids should have the freedom to think logically instead of being brainwashed.
These people are stupid
Didn't this skank want to deny me a job and groceries if I wasn't VAXXXT? I'm now a well armed pureblood forever.
Without fear? Cal. HAD the assault weapons ban she wants when the terrorists shot up an office in San Bernardino. What did the Ban actually DO? Of course it did Nothing to stop crime.
How about you do your job and protect Americans. Put armed guards in every school. Stop this madness and start working for us!
The only assault weapon she approves of is a tranny teacher kiddie didler.
How about, Students must have guns to defend themselves.
"For pitys sake won't somebody think of the children?"
mcstain and klobubarf in ukraine... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/jan/01/john-mccain-russia-vladimir-putin-ukraine-georgia
That's easy, loser: put armed retired police and veterans in schools. Arm teachers.
These people are stupid and prey on people's fears.
Create a ban on bacteria. Kids should be able to eat without fear of cavities.