British Columbia’s “Health” Care has now officially fallen. This will end the capabilities of any practitioner to “Do No Harm”. Communism through and through.
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸

(Canada intensifies)
Can I call my American consulate for help?? lol I've lived here 47 years and until covid, best health care ever especially for special needs kids. In reading through the comments below, it's my experience that there are more Canadians awake and fighting for freedom than they are given credit for. Unlike me, they are more quiet and reserved about it. They'll get there especially with the banks messing with our bank accounts. But as I watched my Mom die under the medical system in Oregon(1999-2001) - all the pain, all the drugs, more pain more drugs and the thievery of stealing her life's savings to try to save her life ... if I could have put her on BC medical at the time, you bet I would have!! Let's hope more than half of this is optics right now!
Sorry about your mom. Blessings on her memory, and Blessings for you and your family.
Yes, there are. Thank you.
There should be a mass strike by the healthcare industry.
Direct link to the suspicious bill 36 at https://www.leg.bc.ca/content/data%20-%20ldp/Pages/42nd3rd/1st_read/PDF/gov36-1.pdf
This bill seems very risky for Evil conflict of interest
Criticism and concern sparked over BC Government’s Bill 36
USA changed common practice for practitioners in 1983!! That is when our family member retired early and said he felt sorry for Americans and understood what they were doing to the medical system.
Wasn't that around the time they were also making sure that vaccine manufacturers couldn't be held liable for damages? I know that after that, the number of jabs for kids exploded on the schedule, but I believe it wasn't till later in the 1980's that it happened. I was born just a bit before the changes so thankfully I and my sibling didn't get turned into a human pincushion.
Yep, Reagan pushed for it, thinking it was vital in order to keep vaccine development from grinding to a halt. I assume he cluelessly looked at vaxxes as a good thing.
Do they fuck with Canada so much because it's still an extension of the crown, like Australia? Is that why there's so much blatant totalitarianism?
That's probably a big part of it, but the Canadian people are so hopelessly brainwashed they can't even fathom their news anchors misleading them. My Canadian family thinks fake news only happens in America. I left Canada in 2011 because I couldn't handle the dictatorship-disguised-as-democracy anymore. I chose America because of its constitution and it's proximity to Canada.
Iv always said its the nicest dictatorship in the world.
Y'all do realize that Canada is owned primarily by Chyna, right? The Crown/Pilgrim Society are the ones who established and funded Mao and CCP as the lab to experiment and design the NWO social model. This model is rapidly and forcibly being deployed in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and UK. As for the U.S., they want it here too but there are a couple of obstacles slowing things down a tad bit.
Wow! Anonymous complaints can shut the doctor down. Doesn't sound too good for the people!