When you have an entire crowd of people all yelling "FEDS!!!!!" you might want to reconsider what you're doing before you get unmasked in a very physical way by very pissed off people.
Ok guys the Patriot's Front is a white supremacy group, remember Charlotte? They were formally Vanguard, now the patriots front group. Look it up I know you can at least do that. check out pepes grandma on twitter big piece on this.
It's waking people up. Even normies look at this shit and think it smells fishy.
I thought they were Best Buy employees
I thought they were Bed Bath & Beyond employees trying to hand out 20% off coupons for their going-out-of-business sale.
You must have missed the identically attired group pulled over in Idaho one of whom was carrying a bullhorn Emboss with the FBI logo....
Well, they had different colored hats. LOL
Just another day at the office.
FF training day.
When you have an entire crowd of people all yelling "FEDS!!!!!" you might want to reconsider what you're doing before you get unmasked in a very physical way by very pissed off people.
In this bidenflation economy
only issued one pair of khakis.
They look like total idiots.
Not one single fat patriot. Did we suddenly have a weight requirement that no one told me about? Did they solve obesity and not tell anyone?
My thoughts exactly
If they didn't glow we couldn't call them glowies.
Same gender ratio
I noticed that no one seemed to notice this fake MAGA thing.
Why is their uniform nearly the Ukraine colors?
Subliminal messaging.
Ok guys the Patriot's Front is a white supremacy group, remember Charlotte? They were formally Vanguard, now the patriots front group. Look it up I know you can at least do that. check out pepes grandma on twitter big piece on this.