How do we know for sure? Can it be checked with a test or do we just take their word? Our food is being destroyed. The vaccines they force ranchers to give their livestock has probably been tainted for years. Probably the reason they are trying to shut down the small farm local meat producers.
Go to your nearest university and ask the Science Dept to run tests to see what's in the meat you buy. It may take some "back and forth" with the Dept Chair, but most Science Depts will do it because they can give their students practice in analyzing different substances.
Did this with a local university regarding my water and soil a few years back.
Here in FL, the University of Florida's Science Dept will test just about anything for the public, especially anything having to do with crop or meat production. They even have a program for the public to test water and soil samples and have a program designed to help the public in identifying and eradicating invasive species of plants, animals, and insects.
All you have to do is reach out. The worst they can say to you is no.
Sauce? Here's some: Checked their website. All they have is sous vide beef cubes. ummm???? Click on an item and it shows 1oz freeze dried (4oz reconstituted) for ... !?!?!?!? $105 ON SALE. Me thinks they are packaging frozen bullsh!t. This is so far out of par with current prices no?
I think Mrs. bigsix and I are in the market for a freezer. And I think we'll find a local rancher to buy from. My family used to buy half a cow from a lady who raised a few head every year. The beef tasted much better. Especially the hamburger. The burger could have been simply how the butcher prepared it. It was always fun to race home every fall in Dad's Isuzu pickup with a frozen load thawing in the back all the way home.
Jason Nelson did not burn down his factory.
nor blow up
Spoke with Butcher Box and they stated they don't, and won't, have mrna in their meat.
Glad to hear but I’m tired of grifters. A year down the road you’re gonna find out he be doing gender transitioning for his cows.
Then better keep an eye on this one:
How do we know for sure? Can it be checked with a test or do we just take their word? Our food is being destroyed. The vaccines they force ranchers to give their livestock has probably been tainted for years. Probably the reason they are trying to shut down the small farm local meat producers.
Go to your nearest university and ask the Science Dept to run tests to see what's in the meat you buy. It may take some "back and forth" with the Dept Chair, but most Science Depts will do it because they can give their students practice in analyzing different substances.
Did this with a local university regarding my water and soil a few years back.
Here in FL, the University of Florida's Science Dept will test just about anything for the public, especially anything having to do with crop or meat production. They even have a program for the public to test water and soil samples and have a program designed to help the public in identifying and eradicating invasive species of plants, animals, and insects.
All you have to do is reach out. The worst they can say to you is no.
Thanks. I will try it!
i don't trust any Universities. look at what they are turning our young humans into, trannies, left wing lunatics.
Unvaccinated cows will fetch a higher price from consumers.
The next thing is: We need actual scientific research that describes the way a human could be affected by this practice. For example:
My local farm/meat supplier says that ”bovine mRNA vax” is BS. Not sure what to believe.
perhaps they know word of this getting too far out will really hurt the profit margins... lets see what happens
This is The Way.
Sauce? Here's some: Checked their website. All they have is sous vide beef cubes. ummm???? Click on an item and it shows 1oz freeze dried (4oz reconstituted) for ... !?!?!?!? $105 ON SALE. Me thinks they are packaging frozen bullsh!t. This is so far out of par with current prices no?
If you are going to sell unvaccinated beef, at leat let me get a tri-tip for that price lol.
You can email them at [email protected] for more info. It's your dime.
Please, let's stop the over sensationalizm of events frens.
frozen doesnt equal mRNA though, not even close
This beef is freeze dried. I've never tried that. Any opinions?
I think Mrs. bigsix and I are in the market for a freezer. And I think we'll find a local rancher to buy from. My family used to buy half a cow from a lady who raised a few head every year. The beef tasted much better. Especially the hamburger. The burger could have been simply how the butcher prepared it. It was always fun to race home every fall in Dad's Isuzu pickup with a frozen load thawing in the back all the way home.
Globalists: "Your terms are acceptable."