Oh dear, you have jogged my memory. Some decades ago, on UK TV, Ronnie Barker did a sketch where he tried to sound like a politician. It went something like:
"Initially, in the beginning, at the very outset that, finally, at the end of the day when the cards are down ...
Talking of UK politicians:
"Fastest growing" means smallest.
"I have seen no evidence to suggest that ..." means my staff have been told not to show me anything related to this issue on pain of death.
"Too little, too late," means my opponent did exactly the right thing but I can't bring myself to give him any credit.
My politician pet peeve is when they start a sentence with, "Look."
It seems condescending and demanding at the same time. And it also makes me think whatever comes next is them trying to justify something they shouldn't have done.
So many in that generation are so inarticulate. They cannot complete a statement without saying "like" superfluously.
I feel personally attacked haha
I will admit it though, I never made a lot of smart choices.
Literally dude!
Only through the grace of God:)
Thank you though that means a lot that you said that.
"Kind of like" is my least favourite expression. It's kind of like they can't think what to say.
While my hobby horse is all saddled up ... I also dislike "go ahead and" because it can always be left out with no change in meaning. Then there are the multiple YouTube channels that find it compulsory to start with: "So without further ado, let's get started." It's kind of like they all turned into, like, clichΓ©s.
At the end of the day, they have.
Oh dear, you have jogged my memory. Some decades ago, on UK TV, Ronnie Barker did a sketch where he tried to sound like a politician. It went something like:
"Initially, in the beginning, at the very outset that, finally, at the end of the day when the cards are down ...
Talking of UK politicians:
"Fastest growing" means smallest.
"I have seen no evidence to suggest that ..." means my staff have been told not to show me anything related to this issue on pain of death.
"Too little, too late," means my opponent did exactly the right thing but I can't bring myself to give him any credit.
My politician pet peeve is when they start a sentence with, "Look."
It seems condescending and demanding at the same time. And it also makes me think whatever comes next is them trying to justify something they shouldn't have done.
Don't rip on J-Roc.
Agreed, and it's getting worse in my estimation.
The ego of the scrawny little weasel is comical as he tries to make points towards dipping his wick...... priceless