What’s the chance that it will filter pronouns and preferences? Will you see a hot chick and take off your mask and find out it’s a 300 pound guy named chuck that lives in his mama’s basement?
Even better is the use of cameras on the Apple TV. Granted, it's in software right now, allowing the use of an iPhone as the camera, but by the NEXT release of Apple TV, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that they'll build it right into the unit,1984 Big Brother-style...
It would be great if context would be provided
I had to go find out what this was
It's an augmented reality computing headset
All the rage. More fun than mouth masks!
Augmented reality goggles. Cool but stay away from anything that is centralized.
Looks gay as fuck. Normies will love it.
Ugly and stupid. I'm betting celebrities, athletes and influencers will pushing this agenda hard.
Yeah it’s a cartoon of someone’s eyes made to look like it’s their actual eyes. Creepy af….
What’s the chance that it will filter pronouns and preferences? Will you see a hot chick and take off your mask and find out it’s a 300 pound guy named chuck that lives in his mama’s basement?
Trannies will look like normal people? Not something I'd want to fall for. It's like They Live in reverse
OK, so I give up. What IS it?
AVP. Kek.
Apple headache generator
$3,500 and not one segment of it playing 3d video games. What’s the point? Smaller? Prettier?
Even better is the use of cameras on the Apple TV. Granted, it's in software right now, allowing the use of an iPhone as the camera, but by the NEXT release of Apple TV, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that they'll build it right into the unit,1984 Big Brother-style...
Pre- matrix.
Now they order groceries online, in future they have feeding tubes...