The article is talking about carotid artery stenosis which can lead to stroke...NOT myocarditis...rwo different things...otherwise I agree with your assessment of the risk of getting a "fatal" vial. I have many relatives that appear okay...but one dose killed a niece...39 year old mother of 4...heart attack...
I have two relatives who now are in various stages of kidney failure (both took at least 3 jabs and both have diabetes.. one was only recently diagnosed with it and he is younger than I am)
Well kidney failure also comes as side effects of common medications...BUT the spike proteins exacerbate organ failure so it would be a good guess. I have 4 neices/nephews with family in Oregon that "appear" ok and all the relatives in NW Indiana seem ok except for one cancer...vaccine?...well they were all BIL with cancer is in his 70's...I think Georgia got hit hard being a red state...LOTS of sick, dying people...
Did you make any decisions on donating a kidney?...that is such a tough decision...I feel very sorry for people in the quagmire of ill is tough mentally, physically and emotionally to make change that could possibly save your life...BUT it can be is sometimes very hard...God bless your family...
I have made some conditions on my sister in order for me to donate a kidney to her . But that being said my husband has not been told I’m considering it yet but I can see him telling me he won’t allow it. I’m am waiting to hear if she is even a candidate for it first. My two other subs who do not have diabetes are also considering being donors. I sent them my conditions for my sister and they both agreed to them as well
Great...forward progress...when I responded to your prayer request I shared how my husband reversed kidney is QUITE shocking to hear those words...but if that is the impetus for change it can be a good wakeup call...I really pray...for your sister's sake...that she can make the changes necessary to improve her health...whatever decision you make has to be right for you and your family...your husband are a loving sister to even consider this...
I think it's more akin to playing Russian roulette. There are death viles, and there are placebo viles. Which one a vaxxie ends up with is all up to chance. A lucky vaxxer could go six rounds and get placebo viles every time with the right luck. An unlucky vaxxie might get the death vile on the first round.
Sadly theres no way of knowing how long until you have issues pop up. Praying for your family fren. Seems my sister didnt have luck as far as placebos.
Everyone I know in a bluer area is fine, except one person who it seems to have brought forward Alzheimer's. They got boosted..twice? I think it was. So four injections.
My ex worked as a sterile processing tech and she saw the boxes that the vaccines came in and they are literally marked placebo and full vaccine. So some of those COVID vaccines that you get at least a significant portion of the meaning most of them are actually placebos and if you want the death jab you just have to see the wrong thing to the doctor.
I pursued a career in science more than 40 years ago because I felt truth was a worth endeavor. We've all seen how science in general has been corrupted in the past 20 years. I'm glad to have been able to retire a few years ago, and am disgusted by what "science" has become.
Lol we have the most obese people in the world. But other people in Europe have higher death rates in their countries. Irony, it's like they're mentioning anything But the clot shot
Lol we have the most obese people in the world. But other people in Europe have higher death rates in their countries. Irony, it's like they're mentioning anything But the clot shot
Of course. The two tons dinosaur in the living room.
99% of politicians at risk of "sudden retirement syndrom" due to corruption - new study suggests. "Those at Washington DC are especially at risk" - says a renowned scientist and expert at corruption scandals.
I am glad you realize the article was about carotid artery stenosis which can cause a stroke...NOT the prevalent myocarditis...which is equally as bad...
Just got a text from my daughter...40 year old friend died of a heart attack. Do we even need to ask if he was vaxxed? I think not...
Honestly somebody has to speak for the elephant in the room sometimes. It doesn't have to be a lot but I've found the question "were they vaxed?" After an abrupt death is a fast track for awakening others.
Note, don't accuse them, just ask, perhaps follow up, "there's a lot of rumors about the vaccine causing heart issues I was just wondering if this could be an example."
And then Leave it. Leaaaave it. Stop talking about it immediately. Let that seed grow, it doesn't need you watching over it. You can't make the seed grow the seed grows when viable conditions present itself. All you can do is try to condition them in a helpful way so they are poised to grow.
If they made it too deadly and with significant medical effects that happen too fast, it would be too obvious. As it is, they are able to significantly reduce the population over a several year period without it being noticeable to the general public.
TRANSLATION: 16,500,000 Americans are living with vaccine induced undiagnosed myocarditis.
The article is talking about carotid artery stenosis which can lead to stroke...NOT myocarditis...rwo different things...otherwise I agree with your assessment of the risk of getting a "fatal" vial. I have many relatives that appear okay...but one dose killed a niece...39 year old mother of 4...heart attack...
I have two relatives who now are in various stages of kidney failure (both took at least 3 jabs and both have diabetes.. one was only recently diagnosed with it and he is younger than I am)
Was it their jabs? One can only surmise.
Well kidney failure also comes as side effects of common medications...BUT the spike proteins exacerbate organ failure so it would be a good guess. I have 4 neices/nephews with family in Oregon that "appear" ok and all the relatives in NW Indiana seem ok except for one cancer...vaccine?...well they were all BIL with cancer is in his 70's...I think Georgia got hit hard being a red state...LOTS of sick, dying people...
Did you make any decisions on donating a kidney?...that is such a tough decision...I feel very sorry for people in the quagmire of ill is tough mentally, physically and emotionally to make change that could possibly save your life...BUT it can be is sometimes very hard...God bless your family...
I have made some conditions on my sister in order for me to donate a kidney to her . But that being said my husband has not been told I’m considering it yet but I can see him telling me he won’t allow it. I’m am waiting to hear if she is even a candidate for it first. My two other subs who do not have diabetes are also considering being donors. I sent them my conditions for my sister and they both agreed to them as well
Great...forward progress...when I responded to your prayer request I shared how my husband reversed kidney is QUITE shocking to hear those words...but if that is the impetus for change it can be a good wakeup call...I really pray...for your sister's sake...that she can make the changes necessary to improve her health...whatever decision you make has to be right for you and your family...your husband are a loving sister to even consider this...
It's true. Do you know whether people who take one dose or three + doses before they have undiagnosed myocarditis.
I think it's more akin to playing Russian roulette. There are death viles, and there are placebo viles. Which one a vaxxie ends up with is all up to chance. A lucky vaxxer could go six rounds and get placebo viles every time with the right luck. An unlucky vaxxie might get the death vile on the first round.
Must be determined by states. Many of my family got 5 or at least 2. They all still live.
Sadly theres no way of knowing how long until you have issues pop up. Praying for your family fren. Seems my sister didnt have luck as far as placebos.
I pray constantly for them also. Thank you, fren.
5 jabs of placebo, might as well win the lottery.
Not by state. Seems more like regions.
Everyone I know in a bluer area is fine, except one person who it seems to have brought forward Alzheimer's. They got boosted..twice? I think it was. So four injections.
Batches are being tracked and logged by region.
How Bad is my 👈 blocked by google
They were in Portland Oregon. Maybe that's why they are fine.
Many of the effects are designed to be delayed. Many are starting to have issues now even though they may of only had the first 2 shots
most likely delayed.
Just for Fun
vial = small tubular container, such as for GMO pseudovaccines
vile = evil, like the people who created the GMO pseudovaccines
And there are vials that are truly vile!
My ex worked as a sterile processing tech and she saw the boxes that the vaccines came in and they are literally marked placebo and full vaccine. So some of those COVID vaccines that you get at least a significant portion of the meaning most of them are actually placebos and if you want the death jab you just have to see the wrong thing to the doctor.
Nail Head MEET Hammer Head!!!!!!!
Great catch Qanaut!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Myocarditis != stroke
Eat zer bugs and sit on couch watching the magic talking box.
Exactly. I like the magic talking box part.
These low life are trying to blame exercise now instead of the vax.
And breathing. Don’t do that! You emit CO2. Why are you trying to kill the planet?
Howl with laughter.
All of a sudden. First time I've heard about this in 71 years. "Scientists in India". Yea right.
I pursued a career in science more than 40 years ago because I felt truth was a worth endeavor. We've all seen how science in general has been corrupted in the past 20 years. I'm glad to have been able to retire a few years ago, and am disgusted by what "science" has become.
Way, way more than 20 yrs
Try Engineering...EVERYTHING is done by a damn program and NO ONE uses a calculator anymore using the knowledge gleamed from books...
Of course.
And just to make sure let’s get everyone jacked up on energy drinks with lots of caffeine and sugar before they exercise.
LOL. Unless you want to cause a semi rapture. No.
Lol we have the most obese people in the world. But other people in Europe have higher death rates in their countries. Irony, it's like they're mentioning anything But the clot shot
Lol we have the most obese people in the world. But other people in Europe have higher death rates in their countries. Irony, it's like they're mentioning anything But the clot shot
Of course. The two tons dinosaur in the living room.
Well put Brain Dead :)
safe and effective, right....... right?????
and "the most secure election"
It's gotten to the point where you can count on the little catch phrases being EXACTLY the opposite of what the phrase is.
Of course. Very safe and very effective.
99% of politicians at risk of "sudden retirement syndrom" due to corruption - new study suggests. "Those at Washington DC are especially at risk" - says a renowned scientist and expert at corruption scandals.
Live in sewage (Washington DC) and got shit sticking to them.
Up is down, 2+2 = 5 and the clot shot had nothing to do with your stroke Of course.
I am glad you realize the article was about carotid artery stenosis which can cause a stroke...NOT the prevalent myocarditis...which is equally as bad...
Just got a text from my daughter...40 year old friend died of a heart attack. Do we even need to ask if he was vaxxed? I think not...
No need to ask. I wouldn't. I just pray now that those passed are the ones that know Christ.
Honestly somebody has to speak for the elephant in the room sometimes. It doesn't have to be a lot but I've found the question "were they vaxed?" After an abrupt death is a fast track for awakening others.
Note, don't accuse them, just ask, perhaps follow up, "there's a lot of rumors about the vaccine causing heart issues I was just wondering if this could be an example."
And then Leave it. Leaaaave it. Stop talking about it immediately. Let that seed grow, it doesn't need you watching over it. You can't make the seed grow the seed grows when viable conditions present itself. All you can do is try to condition them in a helpful way so they are poised to grow.
I would speak for the elephant. I have done that before but most people (their relatives) don't dare to ask.
Why then are all the athletes dying from heart attacks and strokes?
Good question. Have the athletes prior to 2020 dying by drove? If not, what change?
Keep up with the pride parades you sick MFers!
Lord know's you need the exercise!
There should be heavy vaxx requirements to have a pride event. Or drag show. Just sayin......
LOL. We all need exercise. They just don't want to mention the elephant in the room.
It's very true. Especially in the developing world.
Still waiting for these vaxxed assholes to drop dead…. I don’t think this shot is nearly as deadly as we thought.
If they made it too deadly and with significant medical effects that happen too fast, it would be too obvious. As it is, they are able to significantly reduce the population over a several year period without it being noticeable to the general public.
I believe it's depending on region.
300 million Americans at risk of stroke from being couch potatoes!
Let's try not to. LOL