The manipulation of language must be called out. Trafficking in Persons is a bullshit soft play on words. Let's call it what it is...Slavetrade. Call them Slavers. Sex Trade Slavers and Sex Trade Slaves are the terms for the perpetrators and the victims. Accuracy matters.
Cannibalism pit with sexual exploitation on the side. Disney cruise ships for cover. Don't forget the charnel pit under the tennis courts for body disposal. Temple of evil.
Written byJohn Knefel, Research contributions from Jack Wheatley and Justin Horowitz. It’s time to start finding out of these and other writers are pedos. Who spends so much time and energy trying to smear and debunk a movie about child predators?
Miasma comes from a Greek word meaning pollution and referring to an unpleasant smell. I doubt that HCQ would fix that! But swamps breed mosquitos that cause malaria and HCQ usually cures that.
The manipulation of language must be called out. Trafficking in Persons is a bullshit soft play on words. Let's call it what it is...Slavetrade. Call them Slavers. Sex Trade Slavers and Sex Trade Slaves are the terms for the perpetrators and the victims. Accuracy matters.
I make a point of calling it "trafficking children for sex, torture and eventual murder". (I pull no punches.)
I wholeheartedly agree.
Our modern culture 'softens' everything that is evil, and 'twists into a negative' anything that is genuinely good.
We need to take back the ability to convey truth with our language.
Your wording properly conveys the truth of the matter. It is not (despite your username) 'Greek' to anyone.
I bet John Knefel is a pedophile.
Cannibalism pit with sexual exploitation on the side. Disney cruise ships for cover. Don't forget the charnel pit under the tennis courts for body disposal. Temple of evil.
Written byJohn Knefel, Research contributions from Jack Wheatley and Justin Horowitz. It’s time to start finding out of these and other writers are pedos. Who spends so much time and energy trying to smear and debunk a movie about child predators?
They’re all kiddie fuckers that don’t want to get caught.
WTF is a fever swamp?
People used to believe that swamps produced fevers in people. Miasma, and stuff like that. I think that is the origin of that phrase.
Swamp fever sounds familiar but the reverse is media matters speak.
Hydroxychloroquin probably cures Miasma too. Actually I'm sure of it!!! Now I'm going to go look up what Miasma is. But I DO know HCQ can fix it.
Miasma comes from a Greek word meaning pollution and referring to an unpleasant smell. I doubt that HCQ would fix that! But swamps breed mosquitos that cause malaria and HCQ usually cures that.
Oddly enough Bill Gates produces those too.