Right? Had I been that mother (if indeed she was the girl's mother) I would have said, "You better back the fuck up", whether I'd voted for him or not.
Kids, like dogs, know who NOT to trust! She would climb over that woman’s shoulder if he got any closer. Wish little girl or woman would have slapped Drooling Lips across the face. I know I would have🫲🤛
Extra dose of weirdness creeping in. It looks to me like he's getting his tongue involved, licking the jacket and then blowing on the spot where he licked. What in his twisted mind does he think he is doing?
That's dark. The very fact we think, "that's a trafficker letting a pedophile sample the goods before he later purchases her, and it's all under our noses," is even plausible speaks to where we are. And it's a darkness coming to light.
who the fuck does this to a strangers kid.
Right? Had I been that mother (if indeed she was the girl's mother) I would have said, "You better back the fuck up", whether I'd voted for him or not.
I would have done a lot more than that.
Relax, it's an incredible actor in a rubber mask that is trying to continue to draw attention to the perversion of the democrats.
Or it’s a ritual of humiliation
He's tasting to see if she's a stewer or a fryer. No joke.
Kids, like dogs, know who NOT to trust! She would climb over that woman’s shoulder if he got any closer. Wish little girl or woman would have slapped Drooling Lips across the face. I know I would have🫲🤛
That Nibbling....... it's world class disgusting.
But the lefties never see any of this!!!!!!!! My relatives are oblivious to any of his daily misspokennesses.
I vant to suck your blood.
-- Count Dracpotus
Extra dose of weirdness creeping in. It looks to me like he's getting his tongue involved, licking the jacket and then blowing on the spot where he licked. What in his twisted mind does he think he is doing?
Is that even her mother holding her? Grandmother? Handler?
Yeah... she doesn't look Finnish, more like French but the child does... odd
What is wrong with the adults allowing him to do that. Laughing and photo... they are suck as well
It's an offering.
That's dark. The very fact we think, "that's a trafficker letting a pedophile sample the goods before he later purchases her, and it's all under our noses," is even plausible speaks to where we are. And it's a darkness coming to light.
An unfortunate truth. These people Sacrifice children. Plain and simple.
Got the jacket if anyone wants to look:
Look at that poor kid, she's terrified. She knows.
Funny how kids can detect danger.
Get the spray bottle, down boy.
I wouldn't pull my child away from Trump's presence....just sayin
The Mom should have hit him with her phone, IMHO.