They got nobody else. FJB can't hold up and is questioned even in his own party. The California slicky boy is repulsive to America, especially suburban Soccer moms, no matter how much of our tax money he uses to subsidize illegals. Kennedy and Manchin have the ability to be an amusing side show but cannot get past the liberal fixers in their party. So the party is in deep kimche and Big Mike Robinson will be anointed as the White Knight (forgive the illusion) to save the party.
We laugh now but I wouldn’t put it past them-first primary is in January? Will Cameltoe push for 25th amendment to get FJB out before then? Mike will have to get his name on the ballot and be seen “campaigning” in the primaries and then they will claim “never seen before” record voter turnout-
They will have to commit a massive cheat in their own primary to get Mooch-hell in the position. They will have to take it away from RFK Jr just like they took it away from Commie Bernie for Killary.
'Wish that'd be so, but IMHO, there will be (a sizable group of) simps who will clap and cheer for Big Mike (even if he were to be "outed"). (Source: personal knowledge of a number of terminal-TDS-infected, dyed-in-the-wool, later-middle-aged and senior-citizen Dems who still worship Obummer and/or fully trust and support "legally-elected" Buyden.)
I heard on the news tonight that Biden has FOUR people on his reelection campaign. FOUR people. What does that say about him wanting to run again? I think he will back out of the Presidency and allow someone else to enter the frey. Big Mike has been bantered around all summer, so I guess he will get the nod and have Barry stand behind him. But what kind of gravitas does Big Mike have? He hasn't run for anything so why should he be allowed to enter the ring? Oh, wait, Trump never held office, either. So it will be very interesting to watch Trump and Mike debate. I doubt Trump would hold back on the questioning of Mikes sex.
Its funny with all the “big mike” memes out in the universe, you would think the obamas or their media protectors would refute the tranny claims. Oh my bad, you cant refute the truth.
Now that’s gonna be Comedy! Can you imagine when the anons here who have most likely been saving their best reveal what they have on the O’s? Comedy Gold!
Ok...very basic question here. Why does being the Wife of a president give you the chops to be president? I had the same question with Hillary.
what are you, a racist?
It's not the chops, it's the BALLS
Bill Burr would like to know as well
BGO - blinding blimps of the obvious.
They got nobody else. FJB can't hold up and is questioned even in his own party. The California slicky boy is repulsive to America, especially suburban Soccer moms, no matter how much of our tax money he uses to subsidize illegals. Kennedy and Manchin have the ability to be an amusing side show but cannot get past the liberal fixers in their party. So the party is in deep kimche and Big Mike Robinson will be anointed as the White Knight (forgive the illusion) to save the party.
On second thought, don't forgive the illusion
Michael Obama is a Black Knight with a big sword.
We laugh now but I wouldn’t put it past them-first primary is in January? Will Cameltoe push for 25th amendment to get FJB out before then? Mike will have to get his name on the ballot and be seen “campaigning” in the primaries and then they will claim “never seen before” record voter turnout-
More than 130% this time? WOW.
oh no the dems are gonna totally win the futanari demographic vote with her
I learned a new word today.
They will have to commit a massive cheat in their own primary to get Mooch-hell in the position. They will have to take it away from RFK Jr just like they took it away from Commie Bernie for Killary.
So glaring it will be repugnant to all Americans, and perhaps a look see into Seth Rich DNC murder.
'Wish that'd be so, but IMHO, there will be (a sizable group of) simps who will clap and cheer for Big Mike (even if he were to be "outed"). (Source: personal knowledge of a number of terminal-TDS-infected, dyed-in-the-wool, later-middle-aged and senior-citizen Dems who still worship Obummer and/or fully trust and support "legally-elected" Buyden.)
"you heard it here first"
I quite literally did not hear it here first. He said the same about 3 weeks ago, not on Twitter.
And X22 has been saying that for months.
Michelle/Michael painted with the trans label. How do we politely ask for sex verification?
I heard on the news tonight that Biden has FOUR people on his reelection campaign. FOUR people. What does that say about him wanting to run again? I think he will back out of the Presidency and allow someone else to enter the frey. Big Mike has been bantered around all summer, so I guess he will get the nod and have Barry stand behind him. But what kind of gravitas does Big Mike have? He hasn't run for anything so why should he be allowed to enter the ring? Oh, wait, Trump never held office, either. So it will be very interesting to watch Trump and Mike debate. I doubt Trump would hold back on the questioning of Mikes sex.
Its funny with all the “big mike” memes out in the universe, you would think the obamas or their media protectors would refute the tranny claims. Oh my bad, you cant refute the truth.
Now that’s gonna be Comedy! Can you imagine when the anons here who have most likely been saving their best reveal what they have on the O’s? Comedy Gold!