Honorable Rep. Jamie Comer to Witness Ziegler, "How much money paid by foreign entities in total to those entities involved in the Biden investigation?"
17 million+ in total,you say??
Rep. Lynch questioning makes me think of Loretta Lynch and a certain tarmac meeting.
Rep. LaTurner just gave an excellent summary of what we know from this hearing. I will see if there's a video clip of it and will add later.
AOC's closing sounded a lot like it was written by Adam Schiff. Was amazingly like when Schiff was reading his version of the Trump-Zelensky perfect call.
The only thing that the Dems know how to do is deflect and project. AOC sounded like she was auditioning for a movie role. Pathetic. The rest of them start talking about...yep, orange man bad.
MTG brought up sex trafficking. That really got them fired up. Like, "how dare you even bring that up!"
I tell ya, I have such a difficult time listening to the Dems. They can't deny what's in the report. So their go to is, "what about President Trump?" Reeeee
Had to stop watching, the DEMs are such dimwits. We know they know the truth, they are protecting and projecting so hard.
They know when all comes to light that their roles in all of this will be exposed and they will scurry like the roaches they are, hopefully it will be to a roach motel in Gitmo where they check in but they don't check out.
Welp, glad I didnt' have to watch this because it went about as well as I expected based off the comments here.
Our government is broken beyond repair. Not sure what getting Trump back in office is going to do when we still have to deal with the Congressional Cretin Clown Committee. The fake moral outrage.... the time wasting... the stonewalling when asked for answers... I swear there are more believable characters in a High School drama class. Pathetic. Just utter garbage filth infecting our government.
I have high doubts that anything will even come of this "investigation". Just more grandstanding and finger-wagging.
Honorable Rep. Jamie Comer to Witness Ziegler, "How much money paid by foreign entities in total to those entities involved in the Biden investigation?"
17 million+ in total,you say??
Rep. Lynch questioning makes me think of Loretta Lynch and a certain tarmac meeting.
Rep. LaTurner just gave an excellent summary of what we know from this hearing. I will see if there's a video clip of it and will add later.
EDIT. SauceFag Here. Here's your link:
(Hat tip to Newstalkkzrg.)
AOC's closing sounded a lot like it was written by Adam Schiff. Was amazingly like when Schiff was reading his version of the Trump-Zelensky perfect call.
The only thing that the Dems know how to do is deflect and project. AOC sounded like she was auditioning for a movie role. Pathetic. The rest of them start talking about...yep, orange man bad.
MTG brought up sex trafficking. That really got them fired up. Like, "how dare you even bring that up!"
I tell ya, I have such a difficult time listening to the Dems. They can't deny what's in the report. So their go to is, "what about President Trump?" Reeeee
I do wish to know if the Biden's are involved in human trafficking--whether through their shell companies or otherwise.
Remember the rumors focused on Hunter's Great Lakes tattoo?
Exactly 💯
So true!
These fags and their "Gotcha!" attempts...
here's an F-youtube option with a lively based chat:
You don't need to follow politics in order to see which of these two groups is on the side of truth.
Had to stop watching, the DEMs are such dimwits. We know they know the truth, they are protecting and projecting so hard. They know when all comes to light that their roles in all of this will be exposed and they will scurry like the roaches they are, hopefully it will be to a roach motel in Gitmo where they check in but they don't check out.
Mr. Lynch from Massachusetts is a Dirtbag... Isn't this about BIDEN?? The man is a whiny baby Trump Trump Trump.. lol
Its sick...I cant watch all of it...Just turned over after Lynch started about Gen Flynn...Scumbag
holy smokes, BLM activists were hijacking it for their issues. These people are stupid!
Sessions (a different Sessions) says he'll be investigating the IRS related to retaliation. Plenty of drops related to trusting Sessions.
Spoiler alert. It’s Donald Trump’s fault.
I stand corrected. It’s Trump and racism.
Yep. And apparently the two tier system of justice is ONLY based on your skin color. Damn racist system.
Only "orange men" get persecuted? Lol
Welp, glad I didnt' have to watch this because it went about as well as I expected based off the comments here.
Our government is broken beyond repair. Not sure what getting Trump back in office is going to do when we still have to deal with the Congressional Cretin Clown Committee. The fake moral outrage.... the time wasting... the stonewalling when asked for answers... I swear there are more believable characters in a High School drama class. Pathetic. Just utter garbage filth infecting our government.
I have high doubts that anything will even come of this "investigation". Just more grandstanding and finger-wagging.