Time of above vid 1:01
05-Nov-2017 5:08:10 PM MST
🔹Graphic confirmed.🔹
02:00 Z
My review, research brought forth the following from watching the video.
There are " numerous" different types of 🔹 Graphic(s)🔹 included within this latest vid
@ 8 seconds - initial 🔹graphic 🔹 of map with various water ways, rivers. Mountain ranges with snow
Within same screen shot "6" computer screens representing the same 🔹 graphic 🔹 2 sets of double blue horizontal lines
@13 Seconds beautiful MIL TECH looking at her screen 🔹 graphics 🔹"6" Blue Circles, '4' to her left, '2' to her right side. / '4' Blurred Lime Green Light Bars - Divideed equally on both sides of tech.
@ 17seconds - 🔹graphic 🔹of 2 buildings surroundrd with metal fence, barbed wire on top. RIGHT building - garage or shed, possible roll up eight panel garage door.
LEFT building - similar size, not as tall in height, flatter, wider roof./ Stairs or ramp by door, above ' captured ' in yellow SECURITY CAMERA. AC unit on opposite side of door (left)
Possible sign on Metal Fence next to locked gate. No visible writing from computer rendering.
@22-23 seconds Black to White ' Spirit '
Q - DROPS 22 & 23
22 31-Oct-2017 10:57:15 PM MDT 4ch/pol
Who controls the NG?
Why was the NG recently activated in select cities within the US?
Can the NG work in coordination w/ the marines?
Do conditions need to be satisfied to authorize?
What former President used the military to save the republic and what occurred exactly?
Biggest drop to ever be provided on Pol
Study and prepare
The masses tend to panic in such situations.
No war.
No civil unrest.
Clean and swift.
31-Oct-2017 11:11:52 PM MDT 4ch/pol
Note MI has the same SAPs as NSA, CIA etc as designated post 9-11.
Why is this relevant?
Who can be held hostage and controlled?
CIA thinks its foreign offshore assets are strong enough to defend against the US executive (not accounting for military use on domestic soil).
Why does the Constitution explicitly grant this authority to the President and what is it to prevent?
They knew our agencies would grow in power so much so they could/can hold the executive hostage or engage with bad actors.
Trump nominated someone new to direct every agency but one.
🔹He controls the top🔹
🔹 GRAPHICS 🔹 Embedded 🔹
Other Anons time to find the rest of the Crumbs and Bake Bread 🍞
Need to rest up from heavy seziure activity yesterday.
Ever try CBD for your seizures?
Hello Fellow Patriot,
Yes, and the better full on applications of
THC based products
Used to help run the first and largest MM Dispenary late 1990's
Medical Marijuana/ Cannabis with the founder of MM - Denns Peron in the SF Bay Area before California went full Commie-Retard Mode.
Help get Prop 215 passed in Cali as the first state to allow MM for those with Medical reasons.
Ate, smoked some of the best ever grown Cannabis...
Directly from
Denis Peron
Jack Herer
Brownie Mary
And many others
Appreciate your concern and wisdom shared about MM
Well shit.. guess you don't need me lol
Actually fellow Patriot your dive piqued my interest to have my
OCD \ Autist self fire up...
Thank you!!!
My pleasure!
I went looking for the source of the black and white dancing ghost cartoon and found that it is a 1933 Fleischer Studios cartoon called: BETTY BOOP: SNOW-WHITE featuring Koko the clown and Bimbo.The wicked step-mother character uses a magic mirror to turn Koko the Clown into a grotesque dancing creature as Cab Calloway sings the 'St. James Infirmary Blues'.
1.) Original Fleischer cartoon.
2.) Lyrics to St. James Infirmary Blues.
Epstein Island is called Little St James.
Excellent dig (and to the op 👍)
Someone reminded me of the Ghost squadron, I believe that's the psyops group?
That house is intriguing. Scotty used it in a couple of videos. Wonder if it's a deep state hidy hole and this tells them "gottcha".
You saw all that, but didn't mention the tech drawing the cartoon on the screen of the dude going to grab the Muslim child?
That screen was WAY out of place imho
The lit up freeway ramp they zoom out from at the 34 second mark is the Port Authority Ramp 96 in New York. Not sure if anything else significant around it.
What is she Animating @ the : 28 second mark? Looks to be some Middle East dressed Cartoon.
I watched the video at quarter speed at the highest quality and these are the things I could figure out from the :28 second mark:
She is working on two (monitior) screens. The left (less visible) screen shows the final result of the creation/animation/editing work she is working on in the right (more visible) screen. She is holding a graphics pen and using it on the screen so the right screen is a graphics tablet. If I had to guess I think the software (on the right) she is using is Autodesk Maya.
The cartoon she is working on does indeed seem to be Middle Eastern themed, based on the clothes they are wearing, particularly the woman dressed wtih head covered and man dressed in black, holding a gun. The gun seems to be an AK47, a riffle which was first created by Mikhail Kalashnikov in 1947, so the cartoon is set some time after that.
Can you start at 8 seconds and count the pulses of light on the yellow strobe?
It seems to repeat itself 3 times but seems a weird pattern.
I was wondering if morse code.
I slowed the video down to .03x and it makes the flashes a little easier to read but I'm not great at morse code but I do think there is something there because it doesn't seem to be the same pattern each time. Either a location/coords to match the scene going on or pointing us to something. The flashes actually go a total of 4 times/segments, the 4th as it fades to the next scene and if those are all dots then there are 5 dots which means the number 5 as the last section. There is a strange flash in the middle of the segments a few times where it doesn't fit the dot or dash of morse code so maybe it means a space, where the filament lights up and then the whole bulb glows - I was counting that as maybe a mini break/space in the segment itself. There are obvious long pauses between each segment of flashes. I'm not sure how to interpret the filament as either a dot or dash or mini space.
I've tried figuring it out a few times and each comes up a little different than before but the beginning of the 1st segment seems to say "at" or "af" but I'm not 100% and there also seems to be a clear 1 in the 2nd flash segment and the last segment being a 5.
I happened to be looking around the q post 101 since OP mentions the video length (even though I see it's only 1min) and post 101 itself is talking about a huge key graphic and q post 125 is a picture of a city with the file name _AF1_5A.png and q post 130 with picture and file name _AF1_5A_2.png which have some similarities with the morse I was getting if I was even doing it right. Continuing with the q posts, Q keeps saying the graphic is the key... the graphic around these posts and that gets updated is in q post 132 and includes the pictures I mentioned. It's also interesting at the end of the video, 34 sec mark, they zoom out from Hell's Kitchen aka Clinton in New York, specifically that freeway lit up is the Port Authority Ramp 96 https://goo.gl/maps/Pcg8R6JaXCihDcoCA.
Someone better at morse code needs to look at this at the slowest speed possible.
Great work brother! The mystery intensifies haha.
That's just photoshop.
Source: Me. I work with Maya and Photoshop.
What time did this video get released?
q post #101
q post #102
There's those dang underscores and brackets again. Programming language? Files? Pointing to graphics/pictures we should be focusing on?
The International Moon Day was approved by the UN General Assembly in December 2021, to be celebrated every 20 July as from 2022.
Vid starts out with cam coming from the dark side of the moon We are EVERYWERE !
You know, there was a Trump truth a week or so ago that led me to this q post, can't remember what it was now.
Interesting. 4thpsyop posted it to Instagram on 7/2.
Bravo Eion! Standing ovation on your dig! 👏👏