Humans to blame for about 90% of wildfire ignitions, report finds NOT CLIMATE CHANGE!
"“In the state of California, if you look at wildfires, well over 90% of the ignition source has been tracked back to humans,” Glen MacDonald, a geography professor at UCLA and the paper’s lead author, said."
"“This whole thing can’t be blamed on climate change. It’s certainly exacerbating things and it’s something that’s happening across the whole state, but we have a whole bunch of things happening, you know, that will promote fire in the state, and it will be different in different locations,” MacDonald said."
Say with me: A R S O N.
This man is responsible 100% for the 90% of wildfire ignitions in CA: PYROMANIAC & PEDOPHILE GOVERNOR GAVIN NEWSOM.
Absoulutly, came on here to say the same , that pyscopath!
Reminder that GOES-16 GLM can track ALL lightning strikes in CONUS so we know exactly which ones ARE caused by that type of weather.
We have really fucking good tracking now of other causes but this one is now in the 99.9% authoritative category, which is why the media has shut the fuck up about specifics of fire causes after it came online.
I worked as a woodland emergency fire dispatcher. We had a giant live feed of that up on the wall for our area. we could see lightning strikes (or DEW strikes, like the sats can tell the difference. it would all look the same to us) in real time... and yes I think DEW's are real, especially after all the cattle mutilation, et & sasquatch sightings there are that peoples don't talk about publicly.
Don't forget forest mismanagement, they stopped clearing fuel from the forests years ago due to environmentalists.
No it isn't. None of the wildfires can be blamed on climate change, assuming by climate change they mean man made climate change, which doesn't exist.
But but climate changes drives people crazy and make them burn down forests. So ...there!
Climate control == depopulation.
Gates and others want you dead. That is their 'climate control'
Wow. And I had heard that 80% of fires are caused by lightning strikes. Well maybe that was before the deep state decided to burn all the forests and blame it on us.
the auto ignition temperature for most woods is around 700 degrees. it just is not hot enough for spontaneous combustion of standing piles of dry wood, let alone living forests.
Directed-energy weapons are manually fired, so
Greece is on fire, and it happens every summer. It’s always arson.
I wonder how many of the humans Re "Climate change activists"?
Arson, negligence, accidental, as well as bad or underfunded forest management.
It has always been the case, the BS about "muh climate change/trees get on fire on their own"... who believed it really.
Rhodes has been burning for 7 days in the row now, hotels and houses have burnt. There have been pictures on the internet with gas bottles, the usual. The PM will blame climate change of course as per usual according to their memo. Bleh
They can claim it either way....even if climate change doesn't cause fires, fires cause climate change. So either way they will point to man made decrement to our fragile earth.