You're right, we are not. I pray to the one and only who hears and answers prayers. You, apparently, pray to angels. I would assume that you also pray to dead men.
Your type murdered my ancestors when we pointed out the absurdity and borderline blasphemy of this behavior.
So we're just gonna forget the fact that Catholics had a hard on for killing Protestants? Such a hard on that we literally shipped ourselves to other continents to escape it?
And then you have the absence of mind to think it odd that, for some reason, other people might not pray to angels?
Martin Luther himself author of the Reformation is quoted as saying "That Angels are with us is very sure, and no one has ever doubted it". This is a summoning, not a prayer or worship, a plaque of Michael done in the iconographic style of Russian orthodoxy greets one as they come in through my front door. God made the Angels to serve us, it is not blasphemy, in my opinion. Your ancestors murdered mine, too. Any Nation state such as the Crown at that time used religion to divide people and to gain power, and to also try and own Ireland, but the people would not have it, they believed in the one true Church. Now, God has allowed many churches to exist in HIS name, to worship HIS only begotten son, Jesus the Christ. I do not believe in dominance of one form of Christian worship over the other, we are a Universal Apostolic Church, we are the body of Christ. We are not part of the body of Angels, we cannot be, but, they are divine and they are here to serve us. Praying in worship, and summoning God's helpers to humanity are two different things. I can feel their presence since childhood, and I know the difference between them and the Holy Spirit of God the Almighty.
If Gods angels were useless, they wouldn’t be given any sort of tasks by God.
Just because God can do everything doesn’t mean he doesn’t let his servants serve. That quote is for worshiping the one true God, it doesn’t mean we don’t have helpers to help us do that correctly and get to Heaven.
"If Gods angels were useless, they wouldn’t be given any sort of tasks by God."
I agree whole-heartedly with your statement
I'm not sure what your complaint is. Are you disagreeing with John 14:6? Only thorough Jesus can we reach the Father. Our prayers are then answered in many ways and in many forms. Sometimes it is through God's angels like Michael the Angel. As you rightly stated, They are... "given any sort of tasks by God." God speaks to the Angels and they hear Him.
I pray to Jesus and Jesus alone because my prayers reach the Father through Him. Jesus hears the words I speak through my prayers. There appears to be a guardian angel that has been quite active in my life. Yet, I don't ever pray to whoever it is.
Why pray to angels when we can petition God directly? We have access to God's throne room through Jesus (Hebrews 4:16). Angels are mere messengers who follow God's commands. In the Gospels, Jesus taught us to pray to the Heavenly Father, not angels.
It's an ignorant post. Praying to angels is ridiculous. Angels don't have wings, but cherubs do. Satan, once the covering cherub, imitates an angel of light. You posted an image that more resembles Lucifer than an angel with a nonsensical prayer.
The bible talks about Saint Micheal in Revelations. Saint Micheal is already gonna do what he does best. We are all part of the mystical body of Christ and families that pray together, stay together.
You're right, we are not. I pray to the one and only who hears and answers prayers. You, apparently, pray to angels. I would assume that you also pray to dead men.
Your type murdered my ancestors when we pointed out the absurdity and borderline blasphemy of this behavior.
So we're just gonna forget the fact that Catholics had a hard on for killing Protestants? Such a hard on that we literally shipped ourselves to other continents to escape it?
And then you have the absence of mind to think it odd that, for some reason, other people might not pray to angels?
I can agree with this post. Much love, brother.
Martin Luther himself author of the Reformation is quoted as saying "That Angels are with us is very sure, and no one has ever doubted it". This is a summoning, not a prayer or worship, a plaque of Michael done in the iconographic style of Russian orthodoxy greets one as they come in through my front door. God made the Angels to serve us, it is not blasphemy, in my opinion. Your ancestors murdered mine, too. Any Nation state such as the Crown at that time used religion to divide people and to gain power, and to also try and own Ireland, but the people would not have it, they believed in the one true Church. Now, God has allowed many churches to exist in HIS name, to worship HIS only begotten son, Jesus the Christ. I do not believe in dominance of one form of Christian worship over the other, we are a Universal Apostolic Church, we are the body of Christ. We are not part of the body of Angels, we cannot be, but, they are divine and they are here to serve us. Praying in worship, and summoning God's helpers to humanity are two different things. I can feel their presence since childhood, and I know the difference between them and the Holy Spirit of God the Almighty.
Sounds like your praying isn’t doing you much good if you attack the only Church Christ left behind.
Try praying more it sounds like you need it.
"I AM the Way — and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me." -- John 14:6
If Gods angels were useless, they wouldn’t be given any sort of tasks by God.
Just because God can do everything doesn’t mean he doesn’t let his servants serve. That quote is for worshiping the one true God, it doesn’t mean we don’t have helpers to help us do that correctly and get to Heaven.
I agree whole-heartedly with your statement
I'm not sure what your complaint is. Are you disagreeing with John 14:6? Only thorough Jesus can we reach the Father. Our prayers are then answered in many ways and in many forms. Sometimes it is through God's angels like Michael the Angel. As you rightly stated, They are... "given any sort of tasks by God." God speaks to the Angels and they hear Him.
I pray to Jesus and Jesus alone because my prayers reach the Father through Him. Jesus hears the words I speak through my prayers. There appears to be a guardian angel that has been quite active in my life. Yet, I don't ever pray to whoever it is.
This comment section is hotter than the Russia ukraine border right now.
Amen. And Q relevant: see post 109
This. Amen.
is that Brad Pitt? lol
That's a pretty good likeness of him.
We're in a spiritual war. Best be careful with what we believe. I dare you to comb scripture for reasons to pray to angels, let alone to Michael...
Why pray to angels when we can petition God directly? We have access to God's throne room through Jesus (Hebrews 4:16). Angels are mere messengers who follow God's commands. In the Gospels, Jesus taught us to pray to the Heavenly Father, not angels.
Lol angels don't have wings. Not once in the Bible. They look like men and are sometimes mistaken for them.
It's an ignorant post. Praying to angels is ridiculous. Angels don't have wings, but cherubs do. Satan, once the covering cherub, imitates an angel of light. You posted an image that more resembles Lucifer than an angel with a nonsensical prayer.
That's a lot of mental gymnastics.
It's just a result of reading what the Bible says plainly and openly.
The bible talks about Saint Micheal in Revelations. Saint Micheal is already gonna do what he does best. We are all part of the mystical body of Christ and families that pray together, stay together.
Lol even 100,000 upvotes don't make what the Bible plainly says any less true.