Shes not wrong? Language is the key to getting us out of this scenario. They use language to twist our perception of events. They advertise illicit titles they dont deserve, and with enough repetition a rhythm is born into song and dance.
But now we have access to their weapons. Chat GPT will easily bitchslap any idiotic comment you find online with little effort or emotional investment into the scenario. Just type in: "devils advocate this message: "pasted message"" if their message is of the devil, and you devils advocate it, you end up with a very positive message usually like how two negatives cancel out.
The time to push back is now. On the digital battlefield the time is ripe to make moves. Normies are too busy with their head stuck in the sand to understand the battlefield and its ours for the taking.
When you push back against an idiot online, you aren't hoping to win his mind with your logic, you are hoping that onlookers to your scuffle will learn to fight for their right to think.
They would all apply for sure. We should start with something more palatable for the normies; you know, the "mEaN tWeEtS REEEEE" types; and then move on from there. Meme cannons at the ready!
I definitely think we need to ramp it up. Imagine if this achieved critical mass and they're simply dismissed as parasites by the majority, removing all of their perceived power.
Agree! How about the Powers that Were, Serpent and his seed, the Fallen ones, the Soulless ones, the Evil doers, the Cabal, Satan's minions. Those full of deadman bones.
I as a liberal have been saying this for over 30 years. The super rich, or as Michael Lind coined 'Overclass' have totally taken everything. But the 'overclass' is not just billionaires, it is the woke professor making 200k a year with tenure, or some government worker pushing a pencil doing absolutely nothing.
But it is mostly the super rich. They take, take, take, and then take some more. 'When does the greed stop' - Ted Kennedy.
Not only that they want to control each and everyone of us and what we do, what we believe, what we read, listen, watch, and how we make our money and how to spend it.
What is it going to take for us to figure out how to take their power away forever?
The DS and MSM are... well, used to be... the kings of soundbites. If they can do it via 4am soundbite bullshit, we could definitely achieve critical mass via memes. I think that was the point of the tweet and why I shared it.
"THEY" are the true anti-Christ, not one man, ONE NARRATIVE....everything upsidedown.....everything you BELIEVE is a LIE, they think they get rid of GOD that way...then they become gods....SICK..ISAIAH 14:12...spoiler alert, lucifer is ADAM.... calls him a "man".....this TRUTH forces people to take responsibility for THEIR OWN one to blame but self, that is the message. There is TRUTH/JESUS/THE WORD and the LIE/FALLEN MAN it's sooooo simple even a CHILD can understand this.
Shes not wrong? Language is the key to getting us out of this scenario. They use language to twist our perception of events. They advertise illicit titles they dont deserve, and with enough repetition a rhythm is born into song and dance.
But now we have access to their weapons. Chat GPT will easily bitchslap any idiotic comment you find online with little effort or emotional investment into the scenario. Just type in: "devils advocate this message: "pasted message"" if their message is of the devil, and you devils advocate it, you end up with a very positive message usually like how two negatives cancel out.
The time to push back is now. On the digital battlefield the time is ripe to make moves. Normies are too busy with their head stuck in the sand to understand the battlefield and its ours for the taking.
When you push back against an idiot online, you aren't hoping to win his mind with your logic, you are hoping that onlookers to your scuffle will learn to fight for their right to think.
Well said, both of my frens.
Love your username. Welcome to the party Paul. 😁🙏🐸
Edit: Pal
Siri… Ugh
Well said dog!
"Satanic pedophiles" still works for me.
Satanic Plandemic Panic. 👍
Has a ring to it.
Reptilian Parasites.
And DJT is the ivermectin which will rid us of this infestation. MAGA.
End the parasites that infect all humanity.
Commie faggots, satanic clowns or even globalhomo works for me.
Yeah. The control group.
They would all apply for sure. We should start with something more palatable for the normies; you know, the "mEaN tWeEtS REEEEE" types; and then move on from there. Meme cannons at the ready!
I call them the pedoclass out in public
They do hate ivermectin and HCQ.
And Zyklon B
This is great. Perhaps we can call them “humanity’s parasites”.
They are absolutely parasites, all about bleeding us dry. Physically, financially and spiritually.
Been at it for months on my TL. Yeahhh let these roaches feel the heat of the magnifying glass of scrutiny.
I definitely think we need to ramp it up. Imagine if this achieved critical mass and they're simply dismissed as parasites by the majority, removing all of their perceived power.
Agree! How about the Powers that Were, Serpent and his seed, the Fallen ones, the Soulless ones, the Evil doers, the Cabal, Satan's minions. Those full of deadman bones.
I as a liberal have been saying this for over 30 years. The super rich, or as Michael Lind coined 'Overclass' have totally taken everything. But the 'overclass' is not just billionaires, it is the woke professor making 200k a year with tenure, or some government worker pushing a pencil doing absolutely nothing.
But it is mostly the super rich. They take, take, take, and then take some more. 'When does the greed stop' - Ted Kennedy.
Not only that they want to control each and everyone of us and what we do, what we believe, what we read, listen, watch, and how we make our money and how to spend it.
What is it going to take for us to figure out how to take their power away forever?
I like it!
Can’t we meme that into existence??? Can memes be that powerful?
The DS and MSM are... well, used to be... the kings of soundbites. If they can do it via 4am soundbite bullshit, we could definitely achieve critical mass via memes. I think that was the point of the tweet and why I shared it.
Politics. Poli, meaning many, and tics. Blood sucking parasites. Many, many bloodsucking parasites.
El-ite now means pedo satan club to me.
Love her username!
Correct---I still can't believe people talk about the royal family fondly.
TS link:
They are the farmers. We are the livestock that operate within their system.
That's genocide talk, like Hutu referring to Tutsi as roaches.
I don't mind genocide.
"THEY" are the true anti-Christ, not one man, ONE NARRATIVE....everything upsidedown.....everything you BELIEVE is a LIE, they think they get rid of GOD that way...then they become gods....SICK..ISAIAH 14:12...spoiler alert, lucifer is ADAM.... calls him a "man".....this TRUTH forces people to take responsibility for THEIR OWN one to blame but self, that is the message. There is TRUTH/JESUS/THE WORD and the LIE/FALLEN MAN it's sooooo simple even a CHILD can understand this.